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The first thing he opened his eyes to was the dark ceiling. Not the dark to where it was still night out, but the dark where it was painted a dark color.

It wasn't the Altean white he was used to.

Keith fully opened his eyes and rubbed them tiredly, sitting up and glancing around. "Okay..."

The room was painted a dark purple and lamps surrounded the room neatly while a crystal chandelier was at the center of the large bedroom.

He was confused.

When he sat up, he swung his legs over the bed then stared.

Stared at the long mirror across the room.

To find a Galra staring back.

Keiths hands immediately went to his face, then to his ears. And he knew it was him in the mirror. "So this is what my Galra self looks like?" But that didn't explain where he was. Then his eyes wandered down to his clothes. What was he wearing? His normal clothes weren't on him. Not even the paladin armor.

But it looked like Galra... night clothes?


A door in the giant bedroom slid open and Keith sfared at the Galra who just exit the bathroom, naked exceot for the towel very dangerously low and wrapped around his torso. "L-Lotor?"

"Kitten? You're up."

The Galra prince gave him a soft smile. "I was waiting. How are you feeling? Still feverish?" When Lotor got to the side of the bed, Keith flinched away and tried to lean back, but Lotor still pushed forward and rest the back of his hand on Keiths neck. "Well, you do feel better, so it should be alright to move around. Still, be careful, love. You gave me a scare when you passed out yesterday."




Keiths heart was racing. Stay calm, stay calm. He repeated the words to himself. That's all he had to do. Remain calm in this crazy situation. He just nodded. "Get some rest, Yorak, okay? I'll be back with some fresh herbal tea from the kitchens." He nodded again and watched the prince quickly change into clothes then leave.


Immediately, he reached for any pocket on him and pulled out two things. One was the small chain with the device attached that let him reality jump. The other was his communicator with the rest of team Voltron.

When he opened his device, there were multiple messages from all of his teammates.

Lance and Pidge had the recents.

Lance: Buddy, seriously, we're all worried. Please answer.

Pidge: You're in another reality Keith. As soon as you see this, try to get back.

Lance: Hang in there.

And so on. Keith glanced down at the other chained device and pressed the button. Nothing happened, so he pressed it again, this time holding the button down for a few seconds. Still nothing.

So in this odd reality, he was somehow a Galra, somehow the lover of Prince Lotor, and somehow sick. He never gets sick. And this is the first time he's ever seen his full Galran body. The fact that he became a lover to the very prince of the Galra Empire was absurd.

The door slid open again and Lotor entered with a mug of steaming tea.

"Thank you... love." He internally cringed at that, and even Lotor paused. Lotor cocked his head to the side. "Are you sure you're feeling alright. I think you need more sleep." Lotor sat himself right next to Keith and handed him the mug. Keith took some sips, humming happily when it went down his throat. It was warm and sweet and made his stomach happy.

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