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It was the next morning.

Keith blinked a few times and glanced around the room. He didn't even realize a sleeping Lance beside him. The Altean Prince shifted slightly before opening his eyes, blue orbs staring into violet ones.

"Good morning, my love." Keith flopped down again and closed his eyes. "Morning..." Lance chuckled softly and gently grabbed Keiths waist. Keith jumped in surprise, not at all expecting for skin to come into contact with his body. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and neither was Lance, so when Keith's back was pressed against the fromt of Lances body, he blush a mad shade of pink. "L-Lance, where are my clothes? I don't remember taking them off."

This earned Keith a smirk.

"You fell asleep while we were playing a board game last night. I just changed you into one of my pairs of night clothes."

And surely enough, Keith glanced down to find silkly blue shorts on him. Lance propped himself up withhis elbow so his face hovered over Keith. Lance leaned forward and captured a morning kiss from Keith, quick but lovely, especially for Keith. The red paladin smiled brightly and watched as Lance sat himself up. "Well, I'll be in the bathroom. Join me in the bath?"

Keith was sure his face grew even more red than it already was.

"I'll be there in a few tics, love."

He never thought he'd ever have the privelage to call someone else the name love, and he liked the way it sounded when he said it. And it made him feel extremely happy.

Lance nodded then entered his bathroom. Keith sighed happily and sat up himself, stretching his body like a cat. He supposed it was part of his Galra body.

Keith briefly glanced at his clothes sitting on top of Lances desk. He slowly stood up then made his way over to them, pulling out his device to find many more messages. He opened Pidge's first.

Pidge: Keith, dont worry. Voltron is on their way to your location. And we have the Keith from that reality with us. We'll be there within the next varga.

Keith glared at the device. He didn't want to go home. He really didn't want to go home. He wanted to stay here, with Prince Lance, where he was loved by him and his apparent older brother, Lotor. Where he looked like a Galra and had some form of status and meaning in the universe.

He wanted this life. Why did the other version of him get such a great reality?

Shiro: Stay where you are, Keith. We're going to bring you home.

He shut off the device quickly. He had an hour before all of this turned to chaos. He wanted to cry at the thought of leaving such a perfect life.

So, to get his thoughts and troubles to vanish, he entered the bathroom and stripped. Lance whistled towards Keith's direction and watched as Keith turned to enter the tub full of warm water and bubbles.

When Keith was in front of the tub, he sat at the ledge and places his legs in. And after finding it a nice temperature, he sunk the rest of his body into the large tub, legs next to Lances.

Then both let out a sigh of relief.

A soak such as this one was just what both paladins needed. They sat in a comfortable silence, both their eyes closed and muscles no longer tense.

Until ghe sound of the door opening was heard. Keiths eyes shot open and he ducked under water instantly. Lance brought him back up. "It'll be less awkward if you're above water-"

"Lance? Prince Yorak?"

Allura cleared her throat at the sight, unsure of what to think of. "I-you two..." She took a deep breath. "My princes, I would love an explanation."

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