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TW: Self Harm and Depresso Thoughts

"Brother, explain to me who those Voltron clones are?" Lotor was frantic at the moment, but couldn't turn to glare at his younger brother since he was piloting the pod they were in.

Keith remained quiet. What could he say? What was he supposed to say?

Should he come clean?

"I have no idea who they are. All I know is that Voltron thinks you've betrayed them."


Lance in the back seat struggled to break free from his restraints. His arms had been cuffed together behind his back, and he had been strapped to the seat with the gag still in his mouth. At this point in time, Lance had jerked around his head enough to get the gag to become loose, but he was still struggling to get it to slip off of his mouth.

The blue paladin from the real reality stared ahead at the two while his captors spoke.

Good Lotor and his Keith.

How could Keith easily talk to Lotor like that? In their own reality, they were enemies. Lotor had betrayed then on multiple occasions and lied to them so many times, to every single one of them. And Keith just crosses into thia reality and treats Lotor like his real brother? As if they've known each other for years. It confused Lance so much, his head started to seriously hurt.

"So are we just going back to our ship? We kidnapped Allura's younger brother. She's probably furious." Keith looked up at Lotor expectantly and waited for his 'brother' to say something.

Lotor just hummed his approval. "Yes, we will keep you and your mate under surveilance. If Voltron is to contact us, we can show them that Prince Lance is okay. Until then, we need to figure out who exactly our imposters are."

Lance took notice of Keiths brief look of guilt.

So Keith did feel bad about all of this. He is very well aware that he's doing all of this. But what Lance couldn't figure out was why Keith would do such a random thing. Sure the red paladin was impulsive but nobody would have thought he would go this far.

Eventually, they entered the ship and Keith led Lance towards his room on the ship, where he remembered it was from that one other reality at least.

The two paladins entered Keiths bedroom on the ship, well, more accurately, Yorak's bedroom. And Keith turned and sat Lance down on his bed, still standing.

Lance stared up at Keith, almost scared with the look on the red paladin's Galran face.

He was very surprised when Keith had pushed him backwards on the bed, hovering above him by only inches. Lance flinched when he felt Keith's fangs drag against his neck and couldn't help but shudder everytime his skin was nibbled on in the slightest.

This isn't right.

Lance tried to squirm around after realizing this and tried to say Keiths name, only for the name to sound muffled and incoherent.

And when Keith leaned up from where his head was on his body, lips ghosting over his now Altean looking ear, Lance froze at the words his friend spoke next.

"I'll show you what happens when you try to dominate me in bed, Prince Lance. This is your punishment..."

Lance flipped as soon as he heard it and quickly began to thrash around more.

This wasn't Keith. Something had definitely happened to Keith when he first jumped realities. The blue paladin concluded that there was some sort of virus inside of him that was making Keith sound like such a sadist. Lance wanted to scream for help, but from who? It was pointless. All he needed to do was get out.

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