Character explanation

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I suggest you to read the whole story in black text just to get the right vibe.

Also this chapter is explaining the characters. So skip if you want to.
And you may be thinking after you read this does she like whatever it's called. (Twilight)

     Shuichi is obviously a demon, he lurks through forests that are usually dark. But you can sometimes find him wandering around dark neighborhoods and abandon stores. He is manipulative, but also soft, short tempered. He likes to wander about.

     Kokichi is a witch, he mostly stays in his small hut. He doesn't like the outside and usually. He is a big introvert that, when rarely, is at rituals.

Rantaro is a vampire who in his case only drinks cows blood, but when he wants to get hot and mess around he will literally drink your blood.

Maki the witch. She has a history of trapping people with her intimidating stare, and if you stare long enough she will eventually notice and cast a spell.

Kaede and Miu each are demons. With kaede's tricks of being kind, and Miu's ability to turn people on WITHOUT talking.
(if she does they will just look at her in disgust )

Angie, Tenko , and Himiko are vampires, Tenko will make a males life a living hell. Angie, kind though will only eat if she's hungry. Himiko wanted to be born a witch so she usually practices her spells herself.

(You'll find out the rest later. I might make a side story about kaede and Angie connected to this.)

I need to get better at writing.

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