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I laid awake unable to sleep.

The overwhelming guilt was turning my stomach into knots.

Why was I guilty you ask?

I turned my head and looked over at my bestfriend sleeping next to me. She was snoring lowly but sleeping peacefully.

Yari has been my bestfriend for five years now. She's been there when I didn't have anyone and I vice versa. When I moved to Lake View had to live with a new foster family she kept me together emotionally.

So... I knew that having these feelings... even if I couldn't control them would betray her.

I closed my eyes and tried to push away the guilt. Maybe some sleep would do me good.

Four months ago

All day long I'd been having this strange headache. It was like an annoying buzzing that just got worse as the day went on.

Yari had been dragging me all around the city going to stores. She'd bought so much stuff and usually I'd be cheering her on but I was desperate to lay down.

"You can totally crash in my bed and eat dinner with us later. My Dad will be there, you get to finally meet him." She said as she dropped her bags in her closet.

I laid down and sighed softly. "Your actual Dad?"

She had a step Dad who she referred to as her 'Dad'. Then there was her father who I had never met before. Yari said he lived in Texas and was a businessman so she always went to go see him.

"Yes silly." She giggled. She went into her bathroom and came back out with a bottle of aspirin. "Take one of these and get some rest girl. I don't want to have to take you to the hospital."

I took one and quickly found myself nestled in her blankets drifting off to sleep.

When she woke me the buzzing was worse and I really didn't feel better.

"I think you're coming down with something Mimi..." I heard her whisper. I could barely hear her through the shakes and the buzzing.

"I'm gonna go get Mom."

The door closed and I groaned lowly.

What is this? First the headache, now this?

Third Person POV

Yari hurried into the dining room where food was starting to be served. A lot of her family including her older brothers and Dad were here. It would be a nice family dinner. But something was seriously wrong with her bestfriend.

"Yari, where is Mia and why aren't you guys washed up?" Her mother asked when Yari approached her.

"Something is wrong with Mia. She's all warm and she can't get up. I think she needs to go to the hospital." She whispered.

Roger her step Dad, and Ronan her father looked up with concern.

"She might just have a cold Yari. I think you're over reacting." Ronan spoke up.

He didn't like to see his little girl so upset.

"Dad, Mia never gets sick. But this is on the level of the first shift. That's how warm she is. And... she's not like us. She's human."

Ronan frowned, "She may not be human then."

"She's human, she smells just like one." Yari's mother said as she stood up.

"I'll check on her." She sighed. Yari was probably overreacting but Mia could still be sick.

She looked at Mia like another daughter. She had to because the poor child didn't have anyone to look after her. Her foster parents weren't the best. They had too many kids to look after and Mia often got looked over.

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