Ch. 7

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It was crazy because I was even smaller than my mother. I fit so well in her arms though just like when I was a baby. Despite me being all grown up now.

We'd both cried and it was rough going through the emotions of it all. But... we got through it.

"I didn't leave you in Georgia because I didn't want you Amia. I wanted you so bad. I left all of this... so I could raise you safely." My mother whispered as she stroked my hair soothingly.

"What happened?" I murmured. I basically had to erase everything from my mind now. What we had all thought wasn't true anymore.

"I met your father when I was seventeen. I was the only one in ny family to meet my mate, and I was so happy."

"Other's weren't though. Your Dad... he's different. He was born different than other Lycans and werewolves. And they feared him for that."

"When everyone found out about us I was forbidden to see him and kept away. But... I always found a way to see him."

"And... pretty soon I found out I was pregnant with you. Most people would have been scared. Pregnant at seventeen... but I wasn't. I wanted you from the start. And so did your Dad. There was never a doubt in our minds about you."

I relaxed and wiped away the tears. I don't think she knows how much I needed to know that.

"But... when my family found out I was pregnant with the child of the Infamous Ghost the pressure to not have you started. People had already seen how strong his previous children were. They all feared that one day he would produce an even stronger child."

"I will never forgive certain people in my family for the things they said, or the things they did not." She said in an angry voice.

"My parents never said whether they wanted me to keep you or not but their silence spoke louder. The only one who ever supported me unwaveringly was Aiolani. She was pregnant too with Carly."

She sighed lowly, "Things got bad and rumors started within the werewolf community that someone was carrying Mufaro's child. And the council here said if they found out who it was they would kill the child. My parents wouldn't out me but I knew they would never protect you. So I had to leave. I couldn't allow you to get hurt."

"I left out of the blue one day with Lucinda your godmother and we fled to Tahiti. Your father came to see me twice after I got there but I asked him not to anymore because he was putting you in danger. I knew it hurt him to not be there for your birth but I had to keep you safe."

"You were born after a very long labor on October the thirty-first right after midnight on a full moon. Your cousin Carly had been born three days prior and we all thought you both would be born on the same day. But you were so determined to come on your own terms. There was no rushing you."

Atleast Lucas had gotten my birthday right.

"Minutes after you were born Lucinda placed a protection spell on you. It masked your scent and blocked any supernatural abilities from working. You were passed off as human and you were safe."

So... that's why I was the way I was.

"The only way it is lifted is by you meeting your soul mate. Lucinda knew that whoever it was would have been able to protect you. And I see that Ronan does his job well. He has marked you recently aswell."

I blushed and she laughed softly. "Ronan used to tease me for running after him and Ai like a lost puppy and now he runs after my baby. Your Dad told me all about how he followed you here to Hawaii."

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