Ch. 4

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For a few weeks things got better. I knew now that I had family out there. I had a mom and dad. And there was a possibility that... maybe they would want to know me.

I was beyond excited nothing really got me down much.

Plus nothing could get me down much. Not even school, which had gotten better. I think Mr. R had something to do with that.

I still had a hard time looking at him in any other way other than Yari's Dad. It was... weird. But atleast I didn't have to feel as weird about my feelings. There was an explanation.

But then I got guilty all over again because that was my bestfriend's Dad.

I had told her I knew about the werewolf thing, but I omitted very big details about how I found out.

She was pretty excited now that she didn't have to keep the big secret anymore. And we talked a lot about things that concerned my birth family.

She said I should google them. Maybe I would find out info about them. But... Mr. R had told me not to.

But... he wasn't really telling me much either. He told me things were taking time. But I didn't want to wait anymore. I wanted to find more out.

I'd waited all my life.

So one night at two am... I googled my Mom's name.

Aiolani Awana...

It had taken me awhile but I finally got the spelling right and a google profile of her popped up.

She was a little famous, she was... a model and dancer. And she was married to a businessman. Dominic Awana.

I looked down the info and found her parent's names. My grandparents.

Her Father was actually governor of Hawaii, which made sense since he was Alpha so why not?

He was a stereotypical Pacific Islander man. But... he had dark green eyes. He did not look very old either.

Probably because he was a werewolf. But why was it that both my parents were werewolves and I couldn't shift?

Maybe I was a runt?

I was kind of small... I could run fast but other than that I didn't have anything too remarkable about me.

I looked at some more pictures of her and found that I didn't look much like her. I had her hair which I thought I had gotten from my father and I had vague hints of her in me. But... not much.

I always kind of thought my mother was a white woman.

But now I knew I was Hawaiian and Black.

I wish I knew why I ended up in Georgia. I wanted so badly to know my family. I wanted one to love me.

Maybe just maybe they wanted me.


A few weeks later

"Getting know you... getting to know all about you." I sang softly as I danced.

I'd taken the plunge after my foot healed and joined a dance Academy.

But not as a dancer, but as a teacher. I was teaching a little one's class and we were doing a spring recital. The theme was old movies. Our's was the King and I.

It was cute.

My little ones giggled as I danced around them pretending I had big skirts.

"Getting to like you, getting to hope you like me."

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