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I sat in a daze for about thirty minutes. That was until we hit traffic.

I looked down realizing that I was still holding onto the card and money Mr. R gave me.

I looked at the card and it was matte black, expensive looking. I flipped it over and it read, 'Lucas R. Xavier.' And underneath was a number.


I looked at the money next and I nearly jumped when I saw three Benjamin's.

He gave me three hundred dollars!

I'd never held this much money at once before. I bit my lip, there's no way I can...

I instantly felt guilty, I really did not like taking money from other people.

I folded it up and tucked it into my shoe. For safe keeping because you never could be too sure.

A little while later we had gotten onto the freeway and I noticed the van with the other kids was no longer behind us. "Where are we going? This isn't the way to any group homes I know." I asked instantly suspicious.

My mind quickly started going through scenarios of how to get out of this car. I didn't want to be alone with this man any more.

He nodded, "To the airport. The agency has found you a permanent placement in Texas. Your last placement until you age out of the system."

What? This quickly?

"They are a very nice couple, with a grown up daughter. I think you will like them."

How would he know who I like?

"Why am I leaving the state though?" I asked. Georgia had been my home for as long as I could remember. I'd never even been out of the state.

"Our resources are stretched pretty thin here. It's for the best." Was all he said.

Twenty minutes later we were inside of the airport walking to the check in counter. "I've never flown on an airplane." I whispered nervously.

"I will accompany you there, you don't have to worry." He said as he pulled out his phone.

I frowned but looked around. This was all very weird.

All around me people were hurrying about. Some coming, some going but they all had a place to go and they knew what it was.

I felt like such a sore thumb. With everything I owned in the world in a overnight bag and a backpack yet I was uncertain of where I was going.

What if these people really weren't nice? I'd be all alone with no friends, definitely no family, and no help.

I felt scared.

I pulled out my phone while the social worker Kenny I had learned was his name spoke to the lady at the counter.

I texted Yari quickly that I was being put on a plane and sent to Texas. Of course she was distraught and I had to work to calm her down.

She had a hundred and one questions of course too. A lot of them I couldn't answer. But I did tell her to thank her Dad for the money and that I would pay him back when I got a job.

Then she told me he said don't worry about it. But I most definitely would.

"Are you ready Amelia?"

I looked up and Kenny was waiting. He had a file folder in his hand now.

I nodded and tucked away my phone. "Yes... and I like to be called Mia."

Amelia always sounded so old and stuffy.

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