Just Come By

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I am so sorry this hasn't been uploaded sooner. I usually don't feel the need to apologize for the delay but this time, I must. And the reason is, 80% of this chapter was written in the same week I uploaded the previous one and then I just abandoned it, leaving it unfinished for weeks.

NOTE: Previous chapter is happening after the episode "Battle" I totally forgot to mention that and couldn't bring myself to go back and edit it in afterward.

Which brings us to today's chapter, which is happening after the episode "Dreadtrux Part 2".

ANOTHER NOTE: This story is set in between actual episodes of the show. And because of the decisions characters make, nothing that happens in the story affects the episodes. (For now;))

I hope you enjoy.

D-Structs needed time to rest after the battle against the Dreadtrux. So, he ordered Skrap-It to get lost at least until morning. He was tired but he couldn't sleep. No, he was in the mood for something... else.

He closed his eyes only to rest them. So, when someone entered the Lair, he heard the sound of Trux's treads. He only opened them when he felt a hand grip one of his hydraulics. He snatched Ty's hand as he opened his eyes.

"What do you want?" he couldn't hide a smile, barely resisting the urge to bite the other's neck.

"You," Ty whispered as he pinned him to the wall, pressing their chests together. D-Structs moaned low in response.

"What makes you think you can do this?" D-Structs wasn't even trying to sound serious, he was just entertaining them both with the statement.

Although, Ty still went along with it. "Your moaning for one," he sighed as he replied, playfully pulling his teeth in and out of his neck.

D-Structs felt his desires throb within him. His hose wanted to tear right through the metal covers. But this time, he wasn't going to torture himself by containing it. He'll enjoy this to its fullest. He was ripped out of his thoughts when Ty pressed against him harder.

"Damn you," he moaned, forcing red Trux to back up a little just so he can insert his jaw in his mouth.

They savored each other for a while before D-Structs spoke again. He didn't bother breaking the kiss to do so.

"Enough... Just take me already," he sighed, his eyes narrowing as his hose pressured fully.

Ty softly snorted, "You talk like you're about to come," he mocked him.

D-Structs's eyes narrowed, but he pulled on a seductive smile almost right away.

"Maybe you should sound more like that". He scratched Ty's chest, making him shiver.

"Alright," Ty gripped his hydraulic, "Any requests?"

"Put me down. I want it all," ebony T-Trux snuggled his head under Ty's.

"But... that... hurt you last time," red Trux whispered.

"I am going to hurt you if you don't shut your mouth and start working your other parts," D-Structs growled as he bit his neck again, he started to get frustrated.

Ty smiled, slowly pushing him back.

"Alright, boss," he muttered sarcastically.

"That's better," D-Structs hissed as Ty laid him on his back.

All hesitation instantly disappeared from Ty. Having D-Structs lying like this, awakened the very pleasant memories of their last time. And now all that was left was the flaming lust in his eyes, a hunger that he now had to satiate. He threw his jaws onto D-Structs's port, getting a surprised gasp out of him. In a few strokes, the covers moved apart.

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