I care.

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If only you knew how much I cared for you.
A part of me thinks you do.
I can tell by the way you whisper sweet nothings in my ear when you want my warmth. Your cold stale words from just hours before turn soft and laced with every
I love you and kiss against my skin.

"Please baby." We both know my permission is nothing but a tease as your hands have already moved to my skin.

The same fingers that grab my breast and hips are the same ones to point out the imperfections.

The same eyes that show me love when my flesh is exposed are the same ones that reflect the same hatred I give myself in the mirror.

The same man who promised to love me and cherish me is the same one to break me down to nothing but a worthless name surrounded by ripped flesh from barbed wired words.

I wish you didn't have so much power over me.


Welcome to my diary.
I don't know what to say about this chapter or the ones to continue on. I just want to free my chest of the burden of my heart I guess. It feels too heavy to move.

And if you resonate with anything I've written in here, then I'm sorry and I hope you know that you deserve better.

I love you.

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