chap. 1 - the spell

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[ credit to  lil__mochii for the art! <3 ]

finn's pov.

"finn! get up already!"

i wake up startled but hit my head on the ceiling.

"it's already time for you to see rin, you know."

crap! i forgot about that!

i jump out of bed and rush to change. i change into my black cloak, a gray sweater with my favorite necklace, and dark red pants.

"thanks andrea for letting me know!" before i can let her respond, i rush out the door and start running down the street to rin's house.

time skip; 10 minutes

i knock on rin's door and a couple of seconds later, she answers.

"hey finn." she smiled. "come on in."

i entered her house and the smell of chemicals reach my nose. i plug my nose.

"how can you even breathe?" i ask. i had no idea how she could manage to live with all these chemicals all over her house since she makes so many potions.

i swore i smelt a hint of blood, but i chose to ignore it.

"i don't know." rin shrugged. "just used to it, i guess." she takes me to her room and i sit down on her bed.

"the real reason i wanted you to be here is that i want to test a spell on you." rin grinned dangerously.

oh god.

"uhh- like what..?" i was really nervous now. she's still an experiencing witch, so her spells are often wrong or dangerous. i hope it isn't her intention to hurt me.


i still remember the time she tried to cast one of her roaches to turn into a human. once she cast the spell, rin burnt her entire room down. it took two months to get it fixed.

"it's not dangerous or anything, don't worry." rin said while grinning.

i have a bad feeling about this.

"uh... sure. just- is it reversible?"

"oh, it is. trust me."

rin took a deep breath, and grabbed her roach staff. "roachykins, watch out." the roach backed away into the corner. she turned to look at me and raised her voice.

"before we start this," rin said, "it isn't reversible." she giggled.

"w-what?! what are you going to do to m-"

"come forth, important feelings of desire! shall you only desire a man named Galo Thymos!"


it was too late. the staff started to glow a piercing white.

everything went black.

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