chap. 2 - arrival

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finn's pov.

my eyes opened slowly as i lifted my head up.

god, what happened?

then, like an ocean wave, it all hit me.

rin put a spell on me. she also said it wasn't reversible. what would that even mean?!

i slowly got out of bed. my head was pounding.

"hey, finn!" i jumped out my skin as i turned around to see rin staring at me. but for some reason, i felt oddly weird. there was this feeling that wouldn't go away. it felt familiar...

"what the hell did you do to me?!" i shook her shoulders. she was still left with a dumb grin. she pushed my hands off her shoulders, still keeping the grin on her face. she laughed.

"the look on your face was hilarious!" she laughed some more, tears coming from the corner of her eyes. i was furious. how dare she think this was all a joke?

"rin. tell me, what did you f-"

rin giggled and said, "jeez, calm down! i didn't do anything that bad!"

i tried to calm down, but i simply couldn't. how could i ever calm down at the thought of rin putting a spell on me?

"answer my question!" i shouted, getting close to her face to be intimidating. well, it was kind of hard to do that considering i looked like i came from Hot Topic.

"back up, would ya? i'll explain what happened to you." i sighed and sat down in the chair she had next to her. "alright, so basically," rin started, "i put a spell on you. obviously. it's a spell that will only wear out in about ten yea-"

i cut her off by Mario jumping out of my chair. "ten years?! what the fu-"

"hey hey hey!" rin put her hands in front of her in a protecting manner. "calm down dude." i tched and sat back down. "the spell," ran began, "will only last ten years. you will marry a certain someone, who i won't tell you." ran slouched into her chair.

i was mad but also confused. i had many questions juggled in my mind. but i decided to settle this, so i left and said i was going to process all of this information. rin waved goodbye.

i made my way towards home, which led andrea to greet me at the door and asked how my day was. i muttered something along the lines of, "great," and made my way towards my bedroom.

i collapsed onto the bed when i realized the bed had an unfamiliar scent. i got up and to my horror, i saw another man at the foot of the bed.

"hello, beautiful."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2020 ⏰

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