Chapt 30 - Ghost Puppets 3

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Lan Zhan and Song Lan arrived at the leader's compartment. Most of the guards were hanging around that area. They weren't expecting anyone to intrude on them.

Using this chance, Lan Zhan and Song Lan quickly finished them off. They then exchanged admiration towards each other's sword skills.

"Who are you people" The leader of this group, came out, with his arms around Yu Jiang. He was shocked to see the others lying on the ground, defeates. He immediately gripped his sword.

All of a sudden, two daggers were thrown, one towards Lan Zhan and the other towards Song Lan. Of course, they avoided it quickly. Yu Jiang gasped as she didn't expect the daggers to miss their targets. She quickly placed her arms down and pretended to be innocent.

The leader drew his blade and attacked Lan Zhan. His level of cultivation was as low as his fellows. Seeing that he couldn't defeat Lan Zhan, he shouted "No. 2! Come out!"

Immediately, the side of the residence crashed and a big, rough looking man appeared. "No. 2, finish them!" the leader shouted.

No.2 immediately went towards Lan Zhan and Song Lan. He was a dual sword wielder, which allowed him to attack both of them at once. One hit and they both knew that this No. 2 was on another league compared to the leader and the rest.

Lan Zhan and Song Lan glanced at each other and they went into action. Lan Zhan focused on No. 2 while Song Lan attacked the leader. Seeing this mess, Yu Jiang quietly and quickly escaped from the leader's residence.

Song Lan had a little difficulty getting to the leader as No. 2 occasionally interfered. However, the moment the leader ran out of the residence, No. 2 could not protect him as Lan Zhan was attacking No. 2. Song Lan immediately chased after the leader.

After clashing for a while, Lan Zhan got the upper hand. He aimed for No. 2's right arm. While Lan Zhan landed a stab in his right arm, No. 2's left hand immediately formed a fist and punched Lan Zhan's right shoulder back with great force.

Lan Zhan winced and staggered, while No. 2 clutched onto his right arm. Lan Zhan's right arm was injured so he switched to his left hand, which was almost just as good.

Song Lan returned, dragging the defeated leader behind him. This took No. 2's attention and Lan Zhan immediately dived in for another attack, which No. 2 barely defended against.

After a few more hits, Lan Zhan finished him off. "Lan Zhan!" Lan Zhan turned around, to see Wei Ying running towards him through the open door.

"As expected! Your defeated them easily!" Wei Ying praised the both of them. He then brought Yu Jiang forward.

"I saw her trying to run away so I went to catch her. What should we do with her?" Wei Ying asked as he frowned.

"Let the villagers decided." Lan Zhan replied, trying to mask his hurting right arm. He didn't expect No. 2 to have so much strength.

Wei Ying nodded his head and they proceeded to meet up with the rest.


"Yu Jiang! You still dare to trick us?" Yu Cheng shouted.

"I... I didn't. This time I was forced to... They would have killed me otherwise... They said if I don't follow, they would have killed all of you too" Yu Jiang stammered.

"You're still lying? If you admitted your mistakes and showed remorse, don't you know we all would forgive you? Even Mian Mian spent her time trying to get help, not flirt with men to survive alone!" Yu Cheng said in anger and disbelief.

Some of the villagers also started to show disapproving looks. Yu Jiang then started apologising in tears, begging them not to kick her out and give her another chance. Which they did.

After they came to a conclusion, the villagers thanked the 4 of them and offered whatever they have left, which they rejected as the villagers needed it. Mian Mian sent them off at the entrance of the village.

Xiao XingChen and Song Lan left first. They said that they have a suspect in their mind. Now that they know how to return the ghost puppets to normal, they were going to find out what they were digging for then confront the mastermind.

Before leaving, Xiao XingChen looked at Wei Ying who seemed to be in low spirits and said "If you ever find her and see her, she will definitely be very happy to see you."

Wei Ying immediately smiled and gave him a nod, thanking him. Wei Ying knew that Xiao XingChen couldn't just reveal where BaoShan SanRen lived.

Lan Zhan heard this and got curious. 'Who? Why does Wei Ying suddenly become so happy after hearing that?'

It was then time for Wei Ying and Lan Zhan to separate from Mian Mian, who kept thanking them for helping and insisting to repay them somehow.

Mian Mian blushed and passed a pouch to Wei Ying. "This is a medicinal pouch I made myself. Hope it's useful when you need it..."

"It'll be useful, thanks Mian Mian!" Wei Ying said flirtily. He then handed out the last face powder he had and passed it to Mian Mian. "A beautiful girl like you should have this!"

This made Lan Zhan eyes widened. He felt angry that Wei Ying did not give it to him when he previously asked for it yet easily gave it to a maiden who didn't even ask for it. Though in Wei Ying's mind, he thought the scented medicinal pouch would suit ShiJie more.

"... Thanks, Wei GongZi" Mian Mian blushed as she received the face powder.

"Mian Mian!" Yu Cheng called out. Mian Mian then bowed at Wei Ying and Lan Zhan and bid farewell before running back into the village. Lan Zhan was relieved that Mian Mian had to go back, before they flirted even more.

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