Chapter 11: A bolt of brilliance

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'Oh Dolios, How petty...' The newcomer smirked, slipped out from the dark and placed a black glove back on her right hand, before taking down her hood to reveal a mass of thick brown hair, with orange tints at the end. She had a black patch over her left eye, and a scar down her face where part of her patch covered. She looked rather smug as she pulled out a bow and arrow from behind her back. 'I honestly expected more coming from a person like you. Terrorising a kid in this tiny village? Pathetic. Expected more... knowing your... powers.' She spat.

'Beatrix.' Dolios stated after coming out of the alley, with Lilah following closely behind. 'You know I wouldn't even do that. You do realise she was helping me pack up my things from the marketplace. She, doesn't need to know any of that.' 'Welp, looks like she does now, mate. Look, I need to get you back alive for the boss, so... step away from the girl and come with me, and nobody gets hurt.' She pulled off her patch showing a lightning bolt scar covering her now blazing orange eye, then started to draw her bow and smirked. 'If you don't, somebody's gonna get hurt, and I will take Immense satisfaction in taking you down!'

'Woah woah woah!' Lilah interrupted. 'There's got to be some misunderstanding! He's telling the truth!' The lady known as Beatrix moved the bow down into one hand and laughed. Not a genuine, happy laugh, but a cruel, mocking laugh. 'Oh really? Is that the case, little girl? Truth.' She spat onto the pavement. 'Likely story. Truth. Really?' Beatrix stared down at her, in the same cruel, mocking way. 'I've heard it all before. You're definitely under one of his... influences, aren't you? Darling, I can help you there' She twirled her around and held Lilah by the cuff of her jacket, slowly moving up to her neck. She rose her left hand up to her mouth and bit the end of the glove, removing it from her hand, and spat it onto the pavement, then made a finger point at Lilah's neck. 'One jolt, a quick static shock. More than that, and things start to get rather... interesting... wouldn't you say?'

'Beatrix, no.' Dolios gritted his teeth as the oddly calm voice escaped his mouth. 'Why not? It's not like you're going to do anything to stop me!' She laughed in the same cruel, mocking way, this time directed towards him. 'I'll go with you, nobody gets hurt. Just... let her go.' Beatrix smirked and pushed Lilah into the wall, not hard, though giving her a small jolt as she said she could. She picked the glove up from the pavement then placed it back on her hand. 'Fine. If that's what you want.' Her eyes narrowed and glanced at him, before hearing a sound. The sound of a 15 year old girl trying to get a little attention. She looked over to see Lilah smiling. Just smiling.

'What? What do you want?' Beatrix snarled. Then she felt something on her back and swiftly turned, to find Dolios with her bow in his hands and smirking. 'Oh, is that how we're going to play? Two can play at that dirty game!' Beatrix removed both gloves, causing all the electrical energy to coarse all over her hands. 'Let's play, if that's what you want.'

'Stand back!' Dolios shouted to Lilah, 'This is my fight! Go!' Lilah did as she was told, but kept behind the nearest building, keeping an eye on the fight that was going to ensue. She just stood and watched her friend and another elemental do battle. She closed her eyes, trying not to look if something went wrong.

Beatrix lunged forward, narrowly missing Dolios' face as she shot a bolt of lightning forward, bearing her teeth in a wicked smile as she ducked down and avoided his swing, finally grabbing his arm and twisting it into a lock on the ground. 'Still want to play?' She shot one bolt from her finger, giving him a quick shock. 'Remember, I can do much more than that to you,' Dolios grabbed a small wooden bar from next to him, and hit her in the face with it, causing her to let go, rubbing her cheek, now reddened and slightly bruised. 'Wow, that was a great move.' Beatrix bared her teeth and breathed heavily, in and out. 'And you're gonna pay.'

She pushed him onto the floor, dealing him another shock before pinning him down. She twisted his wrist slightly before leaving him there, winded after the awkward fall. She glanced over to see Lilah walking towards her with her hands slightly up. 'I'm not here to fight. I just want to ask something...' Lilah hoped her words would take effect as she felt her face growing slightly warm. 'And What is that, little girl?' Lilah felt slightly relieved, as her face cooled down again and she spoke. 'Firstly, I'm not that small, and secondly, why? Why him? He hasn't done anything to you? Has he?' Beatrix faced away from her, crossing her arms, then faced back to her. 'If you knew what I'd been through...' 'I'm starting to. I heard about what happened when you were younger.' 'So? Why should I believe you?' 

Lilah sighed. 'Because... I'm not that good at fighting, but I sure as hell can get people to open up and talk sometimes' Beatrix looked at her, smirked and put one glove back on her hand. 'That's not always the best thing, you know.' Lilah smirked a little. 'Yes, but sometimes, it distracts people from what could happen'  Beatrix's brows furrowed. 'What?' 'You'll get it... soon enough... Dolios, Now!'

Beatrix turned slightly, only to be hit square in the temple by something he was holding, a Mace it looked like. It appeared to have knocked her out. Dolios kicked her slightly, receiving no movement. 'Well, she's out for now...' He inspected the weapon he was holding, feeling its handle, then top. 'Hmm... neat. Another memory summon.' Lilah looked at him blankly. 'Sometimes, if I think of some.. thing, or some... one, then sometimes something related to them will just, you know, pop, out of the air?' Lilah continued looking at him, slightly confused. 'No, I don't know. How many powers do we have, exactly?'

'As I told you before, I'm still figuring out that myself. Though, the better question is, what are we going to do with her?' The two walked back into the alley so they could talk better. 'I don't know, actually, do we just... leave her there?' Dolios pondered for a moment. 'Should we... bring her to the outside of town? Hope that she doesn't remember?' Lilah nodded. 'I honestly think that could be our best bet.' The two turned to get her, but they were shocked to find something. Something else.

Beatrix was gone, and all that was left, was a stray note on the ground.

I'll come back for you both, one way or another.

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