Chapter 17: For the justice

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'I have other words to say on the matter.' Virgil appeared on the other side of the alley that his older brother Roman had come from. 'I went to find you, and you heard stuff from over here, so naturally I followed you. What?' 'That still doesn't explain why you have 'other words'' his older brother replied. 'This 'lady' you just spoke to, is a powerful manipulator of lightning and electricity in general, and is a threat to here. I've had encounters with her... before. Well... seen her in action. Not specifically, towards me, but you know...' Roman shook his head, then motioned to Lilah. 'What makes you so sure she's good then? Hmm?'

'I literally just told her about you. I mean you about her. Both. This is Lilah, friends with Dee and I. See the jacket? I did that for her. She's good. I assure. She's already met Patt, and Emile told Lo. God, you can be just an assuming idiot sometimes...' Roman huffed then went to speak, but didn't. 'Anyway, I'll take care of... them. I know them well enough. Just go!' Virgil ushered his older brother out of the alley, leaving the three there together. Once he was sure he was gone, he spoke.

'Well Beatrix, I think we ought to have a talk, or maybe a little spin while we're at it.' His four extra spider legs stretched out of his back, leaving no mark, as his eyes glowed a bright purple-violet colour, and his mark started showing on his face, being a rather large silver spider's web. Beatrix responded similarly, removing her gloves, as her eyes glowed a bright orange and electricity coursed all over her fingertips once more, and her lightning-bolt mark on her cheek glowed slightly too.

'Aww, let's see how much through the roof Virgil's anxiety goes this time!' Beatrix spat. 'You and your friends were all better off dead anyway. Oops, remember that? Because I do. And maybe... just maybe... we could get... another friend! Woop-de-do!' Her voice etched with sarcasm on every word, installing rage and anger in Virgil's eyes.

'Is little Virgil getting angry?' How much more purple can we get?' She teased. Unknown to both her and Virgil, Dolios had appeared and locked eyes with Lilah, which installed a bright yellow hue in both their eyes, and the powder 'melted' away, revealing both their scales.

Virgil lunged first, using one pair of his spider legs to lift him up from the ground, leaving his legs technically suspended in the air, while using his arms and other legs to punch her quadruply hard in the jaw and nose, causing her nose to bleed slightly. She wiped it with her hand, feeling the blood between her fingers. She smirked, then twisted it into a wicked smile. 'I'm used to that, you see, wow the perks of hunting people who don't want to be hunted.' She shot a bolt at his arms, causing him to flinch back and give her some time, as she ran and jumped between buildings in the long alley, Virgil
following suit. Lilah and Dolios looked as a massive fight between the two unfolded, and tried to pick up on where to intervene, if needs be.

What the four didn't count on, in fact, was Roman's return. He stood at one end of the alleyway, sword in hand, looking at the four. Beatrix caught sight first and turned, in which Lilah found a metal bar and hit her over the head with it, not knocking her out this time. 'Umm... I did not expect this... Virgil? Is that you?' He turned, to see his older brother, and bit his lip. 'Surprise...' Roman gasped as he saw the other two, both with scales, on their faces, then looked towards where Beatrix was, to see her gone. Again.

Virgil retracted his extra legs, and left no mark, like he hadn't had them at all. 'You're...' his brother started. 'A monster, a freak, a flippin human arachnid, a web slinging—' 'A member of the league.' Roman responded. 'That's amazing. I... didn't know... why didn't you tell me before?' Virgil stopped, then smirked slightly. 'Oh, and before you say anything else, these two... these are the two snakes. Double surprise...' 'You mean the Prophecy's true? The second snake? How long was this ago?' 'Literally about a week and a half ago. Yeah... it's been weird.' Lilah interrupted. 'Like, I'm only fifteen at this point, what the hell is happening to my life? I'm an eleventh year for God's sake. Sorry...'

Roman looked confused for a second, then caught on and wrapped his arms around her. 'It's ok. It's ok. I'm sure that if I'm the one to accept you now, the other two would be fine.' 'I'm sorry... what?' Dolios butted in. 'Look. I get that two out of four know at this point, but are you sure that would be a good idea? I'd have to open up too, if you know what I'm saying.' Roman nodded and stood up. 'Maybe another time. I probably will see what you can do though... for... test? Is that how Lo would put it?' He playfully nudged him, and walked back out of the alley, but stopped and looked back at the three of them.

'You guys coming?'

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