Chapter 14: An important arrival

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Lilah headed out of her house, locked the door and made her way down to the centre of the village. It was nearing 6pm and the festival was in full swing. Stalls were set up, lights of different bursts of colour were hung around, music was being played on a small stage by a few bands from all over the place and much food was being eaten, of course.

She wandered around, finding a few friends like Cam, Ruby, Chloe and even Seb now, standing near the front of something. 'Guys, what are you doing here?' Chloe turned and greeted her with a hug, which Lilah returned. Chloe looked at her with excitement. 'This. Exact. Spot. Is where the princes will be coming out in less than five minutes!' She then whispered. 'Well, I know because I checked the schedule, and you know, I kinda wanted to get a few people thinking I was good at planning for once.' She carried on chatting, then suddenly got even more excited. 'Look! There!' She pointed towards a figure pulling up another scroll-esc sheet, showing another one of the royal announcers. No... wait... it was just the same one.

'Hearrr ye, hearrr ye, the rrroyal Prrrinces will be making theirrr appearrrance!' He put down his scroll and moved to the side, to make way for the eldest, Prince Logan. Many people had never seen him in person, and that made his appearance seem even more scientific and regal. His neat dark brown hair covered a small portion of his forehead, though not enough to cover his eyebrows or eyes, which were a shining bright blue, which was a thorough contrast. A pair of square-ish frames covered them, and were a neat black gloss in colour. His lips were pale and slightly parted, revealing a small portion of his mouth, ladened with straight white teeth. His skin was quite pale, and gave him a northly feel, even if he was centre-bound. His princely robes were also mixed with some scientific coat, quite fitting for his stature and personality, in shades of royal blue and silver, while he wore a black shirt-esc top underneath. His trousers, which were also black, matched his also black boots, which also had a few royal blue and silver linings.

He then spoke in a calm, soft-ish manner. 'Thank you, village of Chetleigh, for your kind hospitality. You mean a great deal to us in this time. We will be staying here over the course of three days, and we will be exceptionally glad to meet some of you. The only bad news about this trip, is our youngest, Prince Virgil, cannot be out tonight, due to a reason of his own, though he has assured us that he will be out tomorrow morning, or even later tonight. The good news is, however, is that you will still get to meet the two middle brothers too, Roman, and Patton.

At that moment, another man walked out, a sweet smile on his face. He wore similar clothing to his older brother, though in a lighter shade of blue, but still with silver linings. He wore a silver-grey scarf-ish accessory around his shoulders, which seemed to have a... paw print? On each end? His face looked delighted to be there. His eyes, similar to Logan's in colour, held more expression, so you could easily tell when he was excited, and his blonde, almost curly hair made Lilah wonder how they were even brothers. He also wore a pair of frames, though his were rather circular, and still held the same black gloss colour. He had freckles dotted all over his nose and cheeks, and always kept the same happy smile to everyone he met. He spoke in quite a bubbly tone. 'Hi! I'm Patton! Don't worry about all the Prince stuff, I'm here to meet new people and have fun! You don't have to act as if I'm some celebrity, I'm here for all of you guys!' Logan smiled slightly at his younger brother.

'He's only a year younger than Logan' Chloe whispered to Lilah, who nodded, then looked at the third brother, who was now stepping out with a proud smile on his face. He had slightly more tanned skin compared to his brothers, though not much. His brown eyes sparkled constantly, and his reddish brown hair was always whipped in a certain way, as he always wanted to keep it neat. He had a few freckles dotted on the upper bridge of his nose, though not many, and often looked rather stylish and sassy with a look like his. He wore a white, long-sleeved cuffed white shirt, with black trousers and red-brown boots, all with gold trimmings. He also wore a red sash on his body, and a sword in its hilt on his belt, just in case. He spoke in a rather proud tone when he was announcing, though apparently 'turned it down' otherwise.

'Hello, citizens of Chetleigh! My name is Roman, and as my brother Patton said, with me you don't have to bother with all the Prince stuff, it's fine! I'm more... knightly, in what I want to do, hence why I keep my sword with me. There are monsters around, you know?' He pointed at Cam. 'Do you know what the Dragon Witch is?' Cam smiled slightly. 'Isn't it the kind of 'witch' who can sort of control dragons, as well as shapeshift into one?' Roman smiled back at Cam. 'Right you are. What year and age are you?, and what's your name?' 'Eleventh and 15, and my name's Cam.' 'Well, Cam, that's great, once you're finished, you could even work with me if you know more of the stuff! Anyway, I have defeated, well also killed, a dragon witch in my time, and now the west mountains are free from her tyranny.

Now, as my eldest brother said before, our youngest brother Virgil won't be able to come out to the festival early tonight, but he has assured us that he will be coming out either tomorrow morning, or later tonight. Well, we'll be down in a few moments, so enjoy!'

Roman and his older brothers walked back into a hut of some sort, as people flooded back into the festival gates. Meanwhile, Lilah looked around to a darker, less lit-up portion of the village, leading to the outskirts, and saw a flash of...


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