Chapter 16: Set in motion

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Lilah walked down to the festival, with Virgil and Dolios walking just behind, all wearing their similar jackets. Patton was the first brother to notice the three and rushed up to them, hugging his younger brother. 'Aah! I'm so glad you're ok! And who are these two? Matching jackets? That's cool!' Still with his bubbly tone. 'Oh, Pat, an old friend and a new one. You probably will know Dee from ages ago, and this is Lilah, a friend of his. They're both really nice people, I assure. I was just meeting with them after I'd got out.' 'Aww! So cute! I gotta rush off though, make sure to tell Ro and Lo that you're here!'

Straight after Patton had left, Ruby rushed up to Lilah, who was now chatting with Virgil. 'Lilah? Who's thi— s'. She stared at him. 'You're... Prince... Virgil!' Virgil gave her a small wave, and she almost burst with excitement. 'You three got matching jackets?! I am sooo amazed! Imma go back to the music stage, one of the bands I like is playing in less than ten minutes!' She ran off again, leaving the three confused then laughing. 'Sorry, that's my friend. She's always curious and a bit bubbly.' 'A bit like Patton then' the other two said together. 'Well that was a coinkydink.' Dolios winked and said.

At that moment, Dolios saw another familiar face and smiled. 'Emile! Over here!' He waved both arms in the air, proving how strong Virgil's silk really was.  Emile caught sight and rushed to the three. 'Dolios, Lilah, and Virgil. I guessed all three of you would be, at this location. You're like a fierce friendly combo, say an Alexandrite.' 'Alexandrite?' Lilah replied. 'Yes, Alexandrite. A strong bond, and a mighty friendship. Also, Virgil, I do hope you stay safe tonight, as well as the rest of your visit, oh, and don't do something stupid, both I and on behalf of your brothers do want you back alive, you know. Or at least not enslaved by some weirdo. Ok I know that last one was a little far-fetched, but it could happen! I'm going to head back to Logan to let him know you're here.' He walked over so far they couldn't see him any more, so that further meant that Logan was simply on the Academic's side, well of course he was. 'Yeah, Emile works with us' Virgil replied.

Behind an alleyway, a figure, now with his hood up, was speaking to another hooded figure, a girl, this time undoubtedly Beatrix. 'Is the plan in motion? How much have you figured?' 'Virgil is another elemental, boss. I remember him, from before... that incident. Well, it was his loss and hope that was undoubtedly crushed. Oh well. He was always, so, off. I'm surprised his anxiety didn't spin out of control, or maybe it did. Maybe he felt... sorry. I don't know, it's his fault, and those stupid snakes.' 'Well, it's no use dwelling on the past. Maybe Virgil could be some use to us. After all, maybe with something I could do to him, let's just say, some friendships must come to an end.' He grinned wickedly then put his hand on Beatrix's shoulder. 'Keep the fight with the snakes, though if Virgil decides to join, keep his brothers out of it. I want it to be a... surprise. Wait until Virgil has left. I'll be waiting.' He swiftly left, pulling his hood down as he went. Nobody would find him now.

'Hey, I forgot to tell Ro, as Patt pretty much saw me and Emile told Lo, I'll go meet him for a minute. He'll probably critique me on the jacket...' Virgil walked off in his older brother's direction. 'Talking about seeing and eating, I'm gonna get a drink from the bar, I'll see you in a minute, just, wait here.' He walked off in the direction from the bar, waving one hand then carried on. Great. Left alone... again. At least her friends were near... there was Ruby over there. What came next was both unpredictable and frightening. Another grab on the collar.

She turned, expecting to see Dolios, but it was none other than Beatrix who stood behind her, then dragged her into another alley, somehow with nobody noticing. 'Where is He, you snake?' She demanded. 'I... I don't know... he just walked off...' she half-lied. Beatrix slammed her against the wall. 'Don't lie to me, little girl! Oh, well that's your specialty, isn't it? You can stop struggling, there's no point. After all, you know what I did to your poor little Dolios before, right? You can't slither out of this one this time!' 'Let... me... go...' Lilah gasped as Beatrix clutched her throat. 'Only... I could just settle... for you...' she brushed her thumb over Lilah's cheek as she struggled. 'Well, time to-' she was cut off by another man, this time holding a sword. 'Put her down!' The man charged at her, almost getting shocked by her bolt, before being pushed to the floor. 'Oh, princey, this isn't what it looks like! I was apprehending a thief! I thought you were one of her... gang.' He got up, placed the sword back in its hilt, then brushed himself off. 'You could have just said. I am a prince who fights for justice.' Lilah facepalmed at that exact moment.

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