I'm Back

201 23 13

It was midnight indeed. The clock had struck twelve and it rang like a raged animal warning everyone of the death that would be soon knocking on their doors.

I stood quietly behind Ethan and peered above his wide muscular shoulders.

I could not visualize the guest before us as the sky and the moon became pretty dark as if it was done intentionally. The only thing I could make of was opponents shining sword before us. It was shining dimly with the reflection from the pale moon.

"Don't move," said Ethan above his shoulders and slightly glanced over me.

The opponent struck first and slammed his sword onto Ethan's. The swords sang with rhythm and melody. Ethan twisted his body to meet the opponent's coming attack. Ethan gracefully shielded himself flawlessly as if he was born to fight. After all he was member of the Black Cards.

Ethan's eyes shone as he saw the defenseless spot of the opponent's and took his chance. He slammed his body into the right side of the enemy and he slashed his sword onto the sword of the enemy. The opponent's sword skidded across the marble floor shouting victory.

Ethan took a step forward, his knife angled the attacker's chin.

"You better know who your opponent is before you draw the sword." Ethan glared and pulled his sword up to reveal the opponent's face.

As the black cloth unveiled the identity of the fighter I was shocked.

I pulled my hand to my mouth. What was he doing here?

Under the black hood there was sparkling emerard eyes with lock of red-brown hair slipping out like a whisp of smoke and a nose which was too perfect.
It was Michael.

"The black Cards." He spat out. " I did not expect them to be with you." He directed his eyes towards me with disapointment filling his eyes. "It's annoying when you have these around you." Michael smirked.

I instantly and very quickly saw anger rising in his face but as if by magic he let it disappear into thin air like a wisp of smoke, his expression was again neutral as always.

"You better know who has the sword in your throat before you blabber that mouth." He kept his face clam while bringing the sword nearer to his neck.

Michael's eyes did not waver but his eyes landed on me again. "I do not need to know who has the sword in my neck if I have someone skilled watching my back."

The from the shadow appeared his partner. The red hair girl, with a long iron chain by her side. She posed her self, ready to attak, not Ethan but me.

"I did not want to go this far Rina but circumstances are not imroving." Said Michael narrowing his eyes at Ethan who still held his sword.

Several questions roused in my head. What did he want from me? Why did he want to see me? How did he know my name? But ofcourse, it wasn't my time to get answers anyway.

"You started attaking first, at least as I recall." I said stepping a foot closer to Ethan.

"I was just alarmed because of the Black Card. It's dangerous, if you have ever experienced the other rounds." Said Michael. "Forgive me if I offended you. I just wanted to make a deal with you."

Ethan froze for a moment as well as the girl holding the chains. Michael had not even discussed with that girl.

"I just wanted to ask if you would like to join our team. The white rose" Michael said standing up as Ethan slowly let his sword down and the girl whipped her head towards his direction her mouth dropping down with her green eyes wide with disbelief.

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