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I leaned out of the train window, waving at my parents as the scarlet train pulled away from the platform, the steam mingling with the last of the summer air in Kings Cross station. My mum and dad waved back at me, my mothers dazzling smile shining at me at she wished me well for the year. Her long dark brown hair contrasted dad's blonde hair, his glasses pushed up his nose as he smiled at me while waving, a bit reluctant to send me back for my 4th year after what happened in the last two years.

To say the last few years at Hogwarts was crazy doesn't do it justice. I was expecting a perfectly normal 2nd and 3rd year, exactly like 1st year, but Harry Potter seemed to have different ideas. Not only was there a troll in the toilets, but the Dark Lord was on the back of Quirrel's head, which was quite ironic considering Cho and I had done nothing but stare at his god awful turban all year. Then students were being petrified left and right, plus that twit Lockhart was our DADA teacher which was pretty bad in itself.

My mother was a muggleborn witch, she worked within the Ministry as an Auror, and while it was one of the most dangerous jobs you could have in the Wizarding World, she absolutely loved it. My father also worked with the Ministry, in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Both of them were proud Gryffindors, which meant I grew up running around in their old robes, wishing I would one day be wandering the Hogwarts halls in red and gold.

They weren't too disappointed when I got sorted into Ravenclaw, they saw it coming considering my Christmas list every year was nothing but books. I continued to wave to them as the train pulled around the corner, someone yanking me back into the train, my best friend Catherine Flawley's smiling face looking at me. "We finally found a compartment, everyone else is there already" She said, turning and whipping her light pink hair in my face, pointing down the train.

"Okay cool, I just wanted to wave bye at my parents" I said with a smile as she turned back around at me, rolling her eyes. "At least your parents came to say goodbye, Mr and Mrs Fawley were caught up at the ministry this year" she said with a fake posh voice, mocking what she was probably told when she woke up this morning. Catherine's parents were Ministry Officials, so she rarely ever saw them. Her family were also on the Sacred 28 list, so for her to be my friend made her a blood traitor as it was, but her family didn't believe in the whole blood status thing.

"Oh watch this" She said, looking at me in the eyes as she stared at me for a minute, the ends of her hair turning into a light purple. "That's cute" I said as I grabbed the ends of her straight hair, nodding my head. Catherine was also a metamorphamagi, which was rare, but at the same time really cool to have one as my best friend.

"Come on" She said with a laugh, grabbing me by the hand and dragging me down the train, having to dodge 1st years left and right as she found the right compartment, looking through the widows as she often met the eyes of some yapping 1st years before she found the right one, opening the door and pushing me in. "Well, well, well, look what the cat pushed in" Jack sneered at me with a smirk, moving down on the bench to let me sit.

"Shut it" I told him, wagging my finger as I smiled at all of my friends. Cho say beside Gideon, who were both looking at some book that I would ask about later on when i has a spare half hour to talk about it. Catherine smiled as she sat across from me, Odin to her side as they exchanged hello's quietly. "How was your summer?" Odin asked me, running his hands through his messy blonde hair, his bright smile beaming at me.

"Fine, just a lot of quidditch practise" I told him, shrugging my shoulders as Jack nudged me with his elbow. "Good, because if we are going to win you're going to have to get faster" He said, continuing to nudge me in the ribs.

"Maybe you need to actually score a few goals" I told him, smacking his arm to make him stop. Jack and I were on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, Jack playing Chaser and me playing Seeker. We failed to win last year, the famous Harry Potter having snatched the snitch from me in the last second. "Don't blame it all on me, we were never going to win the cup" Jack scoffed, putting his foot up on the bench across from us, Catherine pushing his show away from her.

"Did you bring your pink jumper this year?" Cho asked me with a sweet smile, her sleek black hair pulled up into a long ponytail. "Of course, what else are you and Catherine going to fight over" I said with a matching smile, causing her to laugh at me. "You have nice clothes" Catherine said with a shrug, closing her eyes to see them turn to a clean green colour.

"What are you guys reading?" I asked Gideon, nodding to the book he was holding. "Just one of the books on the DADA list" He replied, angling it to she me the front of it, nodding my head as I recognised the cover from buying it a few days ago. "Wonder what the new teacher is going to be like" Cho added, nudging Gideon to put the book back to how it normally was so she could read it again. "Anything is better than Lockhart" Odin said with raised eyebrows. As everyone spoke to each other about their summers, and the antics they were excited for in the coming year.

I was happy to finally be getting back to Hogwarts.


A/N: hello, i'm back with a new book (not very surprising) which I have been working on forever, much like all my books, but this one I truly have been it's been sitting in drafts for about 2 years so I thought I was revamp it and upload it
so basically it's another character that I am spotting into the universe, this is just about her life at hogwarts and she will work into the over arching story plot in books to come including some romances
so this book is going to be based off of the movie, but I will throw in some book details here and there for accuracy, and that's only because the movie are much easier for me to follow along than the book
so please buckle your seat belt for this probably problematic ride and keep scrolling

A/N: hello, i'm back with a new book (not very surprising) which I have been working on forever, much like all my books, but this one I truly have been it's been sitting in drafts for about 2 years so I thought I was revamp it and upload itso basi...

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