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+ secret christmas conversations +

I lay in my bed, my eyes staring above me at the bare dark ceiling, the clock that was on my wall ticking to a rhythmic beat. We had woken up early today to open our presents, which took much longer than expected. I couldn't sleep now, probably due to the amount of sweets and deserts that Catherine and I had devoured today for pudding. I was meant to wake up early tomorrow for my mother to take Catherine and I to the muggle shops for the boxing day sales, which would be the first time Catherine was going to be introduced to world of muggle shopping.

I let out a small sigh as I turned over in my bed, putting my arm behind my head as I closed my eyes, thinking that I should probably at least try to get to sleep. I lay like that for a moment, realising there was no hope in being able to sleep for a while now. For a moment I debated moving next door to the spare room where Catherine was sleeping to see if she was still awake, but as I was about to move out of my head the back garden gate click closed. I didn't move for a moment, thinking that it couldn't have been anything but the wind, but as I heard more and more rustling coming from the garden, I slowly sat up.

I moved from my bed quickly, throwing my covers off of me as I slowly moved over to the window as silently as possible. The floorboards creaked under my feet as I looked out into the garden, seeing nothing out of the ordinary as the street lamp by the back of out house casted shadows over it. I was about to move back to my bed, thinking that it had been nothing but a trick of my imagination, but that's when I heard the back door open.

I leaned my cheek against the glass, trying to see why the door had opened, hoping that no one was trying to break into the house. The kitchen window had light flooding out of it, which shined over the back patio, but it didn't reach any further than the stone where our garden furniture sat. I leaned straight up against the glass, seeing my mother come out of the house, looking around quickly as her eyes landed on something.

She looked under the tree, her eyebrows furrowed as she pulled the door closed as softly as she could, still in her slippers as she made her way out onto the patio. She didn't have her wand in her hand, which surprised me considering that if someone was in our garden, it seemed like she would have to cast a few spells. Mum stood still, and i didn't release it at first but she was talking, cautiously looking back at the house every few seconds. I didn't know what else to do as I lifted my hand up to the window latch, unlocking it as I pushed the window open a little bit.

I got my ear as close to the small crack as possible, wanting to hear what she was saying, and more importantly, to who. "Padfoot, you can't be here" I heard my mothers voice say as I leaned looked down through the open crack of my window. I could see my mother standing at the back door, her dressing gown pulled around her as she stared into the shadows. I could tell that there was someone there, their feet poking out and being illuminated from the light flooding through the kitchen window. I couldn't see anything but their ruined shoes, their stature placed so perfectly out of my view under the shadow the large tree was casting.

"I need you're help" I held the person say, their voice deep and panicked as I cranked my neck to look at my mother. She was in her pyjamas, and I was considering she was just about to go to bed, where my father presumably already was. "You shouldn't have come" my mother replied, looking back at the house, which made me silently hope that she wouldn't look up to see my window open and my face poking through it. "I need to tell him" the voice said as my mother shook her head quickly, my eyebrows furrowing as I listened intently.

"No you don't, it won't do him any good" mum replied quickly, the tone of disapproval laced in her voice. "Wormtail is in the castle with him, Addy" the person replied quickly, which took my mother off guard as she stayed silent for a moment. I had no idea who Wormtail was, but I had never heard anyone but my father call my mother Addy before, which confused me every further. "What?" mum asked quietly, confused as there was a rustling sound from under the tree, as if the person was moving about a little.

"He's there, I'm sure of it" the voice replied as my mother sighed, bowing her head as she shook it gently. "I need you to write to Moony for me" the voice said, yet another unrecognisable and unusual name coming into the conversation. "Padfoot, you cannot risk it right now" my mum said, looking back up as she continued to shake her head skeptically. "Are you listening to me?" the voice asked urgently, almost wanting to shout but having to keep a lid on their volume. "He's in the castle with the boy" the voice added quickly, making me lean out the window a little bit more, my hand clutching the windowsill.

What castle were they talking about? Presumably it would be Hogwarts, which made me slightly scared. This so called Wormtail was at Hogwarts is what I had gathered from this conversation, but the persons voice sounded so urgent that I believed this Wormtail to be dangerous. If that was so, why was my mum still sending me back, especially if she knew that there was a threat there. More important who was the boy that they were talking about? It sounded like he was in more danger than the rest of the pupils at Hogwarts.

"You need to leave" my mother said dismissively, which made me even more confused, as it was her literal job to keep people safe, but she didn't seem to care what this person was telling her. "You need to help me" the voice begged to her, my mother not moving from her spot as she let out a small sigh. "You can't seriously still think I did it?" the voice asked her, my mother shaking her head as she took a small step back.

"Leave, Padfoot, or I will get my wand" she said finally, turning around and pushing open the back door, leaving the person all alone in the garden once again. I didn't move for a moment, wanting to see if the person would break from under the shadows, maybe try and knock on the door to talk to mum again. But whoever it was they had taken her threat seriously, a small rustling sound occurring before I heard them open the back gate, the latch catching closed as I leaned out the window to try and catch a glimpse, seeing absolutely nothing.

I pulled my window closed, standing on my spot with a confused look on my face. There was no way i could ask my mother who that was, considering the conversation had happened at the dead of night in my back garden. It had left me with so many questions but absolutely no one I could ask them too. But the most import of them were, who was Padfoot and what did my mother think he did?


A/N:  Padfoot is officially in the picture
as I said as basically skipped over christmas day so I hope you don't mind about that lol I don't think I would have written it well anyway
i'm super excited for this plot line and i've been writing some fun chapters so I hope you are all as excited for them as I am
please do not forget to vote and comment and I will see you again very soon

A/N:  Padfoot is officially in the picture as I said as basically skipped over christmas day so I hope you don't mind about that lol I don't think I would have written it well anyway i'm super excited for this plot line and i've been writing some ...

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