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+ potions essay +

We sat at a table in the library, Jack and Gideon whispering at each other for some reason across the table from me. I was working on an essay that McGonagall had sat today, wanting to get a head start before I got work from all my other classes too. Odin sat next to me, a book in the middle of us which we were using for our essays, both of us looking over at it every once in a while.

"Stop" Gideon said as he gave Jack a firm push away from him, knocking him into Catherine who was on his other side as he knocked her hand, making her draw a massive line over her parchment. "Are you kidding me?" Catherine said loudly as she shoved Jack back into Gideon harshly, dropping her quill as I looked over at her parchment. "I was near the bloody end of the essay, you git" she said, picking up her parchment as she retracted her hand to slap Jack in the arm, who was trying to move away from her.

"Oi, this is a library" Madam Pince said to us from her desk, snapping her fingers at Catherine who tried to dab the black ink off of her paper with the sleeve of her robe. "It was Gideon, he pushed me" Jack said to her in a hushed tone as Gideon moved moved a chair, acting innocent as he kept writing on his own piece of paper. "I hate both of you" she whispered at them as she stood up quickly, closing all of her books and rolling up her parchments, bundling them all into her arms as she left quickly, not even looking back as she stormed out.

"Lucy, let's see your Potions essay" Jack asked me as he looked over at me, his robes being shed and his shirt collar messed up a bit. "I don't have it" I said to him as I shook my head, looking back down at my essay as I looked at the book quickly, reading the old stained page. "What's that then?" he asked me, pointing at it as I didn't bother looking at him from my essay, continuing to write. "My transfig essay" I told him, as he looked between the three of us with wide eyes.

"When's that one due?" he asked as Gideon rolled his eyes, reaching forward and pulling the book he was using closer to him. "Next thursday" Odin replied as Jack shook his hand at the blonde, leaning forward and setting his hands on the table. "I've got plenty of time" Jack said in a hushed tone as he sighed, putting his head in his hands, clearly not having done any of his homework yet.

"Why haven't you done your potions one already?" I asked him as I dipped my quill into my ink pot which was sitting open at my side. "I've been busy" Jack said simply with a shrug as I looked over at him with my eyebrows raised. "With what?" I said as he sighed, looking back up at me and shaking his head quickly. "Nothing for you to worry about" he said as he turned back to Gideon, who had moved from him and was shielding his own essay with his arm. "Let me see your essay, Horton" he said as he leaned over to Gideon, who shook his head at Jack with an angry look on his face.

"Sod off, you can't just copy off of us forever" he said as Jack sighed loudly, dropping his head on the table with a thud which earned a stern look from Madam Pince which he had ignored. "Snape is going to kill me, and I have no idea what the conventional uses for dittany is" Jack said as he moved his head to the side to look at us all, Odin smiling down at him. "Potions" he replied jokingly as Jack lifted his head, picking up his quill and scribbling down that word on his empty scar of parchment in front of him.

"Anything else?" he asked as he looked up at Odin who had rolled his eyes before continuing to write his own homework. "Jack, go find a book on it" I whispered to him, pointing at the rows and rows of shelves around us as he dropped his quill back into the table. "Ugh" he said loudly as he scrapped his chair over the floor, Madam Pince snapping her fingers at him as he held his hands up in apology, trudging his way down one of the the lines of books to try and attempt to do some work.


A/N: hello, once again it's another small little friendship filler chapter which I hope you all enjoy
I like writing these chapters and they make nice little fillers for the books so expect a fair few of them!
thanks for reading and dont forget to vote and comment

A/N: hello, once again it's another small little friendship filler chapter which I hope you all enjoy I like writing these chapters and they make nice little fillers for the books so expect a fair few of them! thanks for reading and dont forget to...

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