We only had a little while

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Cassidy's pov
It was probably all in my head. Ally was not there. She was in some mental hospital. I didn't worry about it to much and just hugged Niall as tight as i can because i knew that this happy moment wouldn't last long.
After the concert ended Niall took me home to my family. Everyone was there. Niall, greg, my mom and dad and even the rest of the boys. It felt amazing. It felt warm and i loved that. We had dinner and talked about just everything. We played a family game and i went up to bed.
Then, my parents came up and said good night to me. "Always know that we are here for you. You have been taught by your adoptive family that your real parents, us, died and now we are all together. We have never stopped loving you. The worst regret i have is giving you away." My mom said. I didn't say anything and just hugged her. Niall then walked through my door.
"Can i have a minute alone with Cassidy" niall said. My mom nodded and kissed me and the head, so did my dad and they walked away.
"Please don't runaway again" he said. He was very calm.
"I promise i wont. Ive learned from my mistakes niall" i said and looked down at my bed. I expected Niall to be mad but he just hugged me. I hugged him back. "I love you nialler"
"I love you cassidy. To the moon..."
"And back" i finished the sentence. He tucked me in and kissed me on the cheek.
"Sleep tight" he said and closed the door. Im glad i was niall's sister. Not for the fame but because no one loves me like niall. I was tired so i pulled the covers over my shoulders and fell into a deed sleep.
I heard something. A creak. Its an old house and i didnt worry about it. It was really cold and i saw that the window was open. I could have sworn niall closed it. Okay thats creepy. I didn't think about it and told myself that i must have kept it open. I went back to sleep. Then, i heard a really loud creak coming toward me. I looked around the room very slowly. I was truly scared now. I saw something in the corner of my room.
It was a person.
I tried to scream but the person grabbed me held something up to my mouth and then everything went black.
I woke up somewhere. I didn't no where i was but i just laid there and didn't say anything. I need to find out where i was.
I stood there silent. I was in pajamas. 

I stomped my bare foot on the ground. It sounded hollow so, I'm not in a basement. 

There was a mattress and a bathroom. I think they wanted to keep me alive. 

I didn't hear anything... Im not in a busy city. I would hear car horns and traffic. I heard a creak in the door and a tray of food slid under. "Hey!! Hey!! Let me out. I have a very powerful family and when they find out--"

"Your family is why your here" he said in a foreign accent. Not irish. Ransom. Money is all they want. Why was i kidnapped though! WHY ME WHY ME!
"IVE BEEN THROUGH TOO MUCH!" I screamed at the man. He was bald and had beady eyes. They stared at me. He didn't say anything and just stared at me.

"i don't care" he finally said. He closed the opening for the food tray. I glanced at the tray. There was water and a roll of bread. I didn't anything eat or drink anything. I just sat down. I dug in my pocket of my pajamas. I left my phone of the table. Wait. I pulled something out of my sock. An emergency phone. The smallest thing ever and i could only call Niall, Greg, the boys and my parents. I pushed the one button to call Niall and waited in silence. 

Niall's pov:
It was 6:30 in the morning and i heard my phone go off. It was the emergency phone number i gave to Cassidy. Why was she calling me. I realized. I shot up answered the phone and ran into cassidy's room.
It was empty.
"CASSIDY!" I yelled.
"Yes yes yes I'm here where are you?!?"
"I dont-- i dont know. Im not in a basement. I cant here anything so im not in a city. A man said that it was because of my family. They want to keep me alive, Niall. Im safe. For now."
Cassidy's pov
I heard a sound. They were coming.
"niall you need to be quiet. Dont make one sound" he listened and i stuck the phone into my back pocket and sat down. I played with my fingers.
"Come with me" the same man as before said.
"Come. Now"
"Okay" he took my arm and pulled me out the door. Hopefully Niall will still be on the other end so he could find out where these people took me. The man led me into a completely empty room except for one chair. 

"Sit down" the man said. I sat down and he TIED ME TO THE CHAIR!!!
I didn't say anything and just did what he told me to.
This could not be happening i thought. Oh my god oh my god.

"Where am I" I asked. He didn't say anything and just continued tying me to the chair. Then I did probably something as stupid as leave Niall in the first place...
The man turned around and I kicked him in the back. I stood up and swung the chair at him. He fell down and I screamed. "HELP ME SOMEONE HELP ME" I yelled for my life. I managed to get untied and I tried to run away but, the man grabbed my arm from behind. He pushed me to the floor and pinned me down.

"TELL ME WHERE THEY ARE!" the man screamed in my face.
"CINDY AND LUKE ALLARD" when the man said that my eyes were wide open and I stared at the man. He just named my (ex) foster family.
"I haven't seen them in months. I have a new family now. I wasn't even part of that family anyway. I was a foster child" the man unpinned me and tied my arms and leg to the chair this time. I didn't struggle. There was no good outcome of that. I was never going to get out here.

Niall's pov
"Mr. Horan?" The detective asked for me.
"Yes. Yes. I'm here. Did you find where Cassidy is?" I asked turning around from staring at a picture of us when it was her birthday. That was a good time. I was actually happy.
"The radio signal that came from the phone you called Cassidy on was traced back from a cell tower in Dublin."
"Ok. Lets go find her."
"Ok. We have police tracking the signal to an exact place. We should hear from them soon." The detective said.
"Thank you. Thank you so much" i said and smiled for the first time in a while sense Cassidy left.

Cassidy's pov
"Why do you dothis?" I asked the man.
"Why do you take good people from there homes and treat them like crap?"
I asked but i was cut off by a sound. Were people coming to get me? 

"People are here!" The man rapidly said. " do not make a sound" the man said and stuffed a cloth in my mouth. I heard the door break open and someone say "POLICE SHOW US WHERE YOU ARE!" The man ran upstairs and i was left alone.
I didnt here anything for a while then i saw the man that kidnapped me running into the room i was in with a bat and the police far behind him. He came behind me and held the bat over my head.
"You try to kill me, i kill the girl" the man said. I started to cry very shyly and no one in the room made a sound.

Then i heard a gunshot.

Something hit me on the head.

Everything was black.

Niall's pov
We were in the hospital. Cassidy was ok. Life is good.
"Any family members can come in to see Cassidy Horan now." The nurse said. I walked into the room and the nurse started to speak again.
"Cassidy has been unresponsive for a while but she should wake any moment" The nurse said. I walked in and stood on the side of cassidy. I looked down at her and mumbled, "Cassidy Horan you are the love of my life" after i said that i leaned down and kissed her on her forehead. Then Cassidy moved and i yelled to the nurse to come in. "Cassidy! Oh my god your okay!" I hugged her but she didn't hug me back. Shes probably tired i told myself.
"Cassidy are you there?" The nurse asked.
Then, cassidy mumbles something...

"Who is Cassidy?"

Im so sorry that i never write. I worked really hard on this and you guys know how i like to write very long chapters.
If you dont know, the end of the chapter has Cassidy forgetting who she is if i didn't make it clear.
Thank you for 1.24k reads!!
Love you all!!


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