Part 3 | Chapter 1

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Read From Your Tower if you have not already :) You will not get anything on here if you have not haha

@ neverlandic



Part 3

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Part 3

Chapter 1

Rapunzel promised herself that she wouldn't cry again. Not today, at least.

But the more she heard about the life she had lead before, the more she watched the Peter Pan she apparently knew as he sat solemnly at the edge of the water, she could not handle it. It was easy to cry and get away with it, for her face was already soaked with wetness from the sea that is now her home.

She stayed at the edge of the lagoon and hid behind a rock as Peter Pan sat on the edge of the bay.

He sat cross legged in the sand like he always had.

He began talking like he always had.

"I know you're there, love." As he always said. "Are you crying?"

She slowly swam from behind the rock, looking at the familiar face. How was he familiar? She hated the feeling he gave her, she hated that she didn't know what the feeling was.

His face brightens up with her back. "I've been working on the bracelet." And though she knows what the bracelet does, gives her feet, it does not give her joy. "Can you try it again?"

Rapunzel nods. She wondered how it would be if it actually worked this time. If he actually figured it out, and she would get her feet back. Maybe memories would follow, and she could return the looks that the boy in front of her gave. She would be normal again. When she swims over to him, he obviously cannot help as he stares. It's a beautiful look, Rapunzel noted.

When finally in front of him, she holds out her wrist for Peter Pan, and he grabs it. The contact makes her shiver.

He smiles slightly as he slides on the huge gawky bracelet. Rapunzel stares at it, hoping so much that it will work this time.

But the wait soon became too much for her and she takes it of her wrist and throws it.

"It's never going to work. I'm going to be like this forever."

"No, you won't." Peter Pan refuses. "There must be something I haven't tried yet-"

"Don't you see?" She snaps. "You've tried everything! It's been a year and I'm still like this! There's nothing you can do, we just have to-"

"Don't." He stops her, before she can say anything. "Don't you dare say that we have to give up. We will never give up."

"I was resurrected two times, Peter Pan. I have pushed natures limits! I can't get everything. I don't get legs, I don't get memories. Everything comes with a price."

Peter Pan breathes in and out, standing up and picking up the bracelet from the floor. "You want to know who you were before all of this?"

She did not respond. He took it as a yes.

"You were a hero. You did everything in your power to save the people you love, even if that included death yourself." Peter Pan put the bracelet in his pocket. "I got that from you. I will not stop until you are saved."

She didn't respond as he walked quickly away. What could she have responded?

Her eyes became watery again. She blamed it on the salt in the ocean.

First chapter of a new life! This will be so different. Rapunzel gets another start over, and she's much different. Her language is even different, since she was not born in that time period anymore. It's more like 2014 language besides swag

And Peter Pan is different too!! He's much more normal, more balanced, for he has now come to terms with Pan— his evil side. But that could always change lol

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