Advisory RANT

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For those of you who don't wanna read a rant skipppppp

fucking hate two-timing lying slutsss *cough* Jasmine *cough*. Anyways Yeah shes a bitch. But not what I wanted to talk about, what I wanted to talk about was. Stupid teachers getting on to you for no reason or accusing you of stealing something. Like bitch go, target someone, else why not one of those preppy bitches you love so much. Stop fucking picking on the quiet ones who don't do anything. Or don't do give them a paragraph for crying because lifes hard it's fucking hard okay we've been through some shit. Just because we act like everything is okay at home it probably isnt some people might not have power or water. Some people might have a person in there family that might pass away here soon. Some might be having things going on with there mom or dad. Some might not even have a mom and a dad that care about them some might not have a home or a car. Or even enough money to get the stuff they need. Some might have to take care of a sibling because their mom is to strung out to take care of them. Some people probably don't see there parents for months on ends. Some could've watched there parent die because they got to caught up in their addiction. anyways im done WITH TEACHERS

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