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I hate it when people go through my stuff it fucking kills me. Like bitch please who the fuck gave you the permission. My step dad does it all the fucking time... Also he has probably went through my under garments. The fuck who the fuck does that to their 13 year old step daughter.......... PLEASE STAY OUTTA MY FUCKING BUSINESS. GOD DAMN they need to stop. Everybody needs to stay in their on fucking lane and mind their own fucking business.. Another thing i wanna touch base with is Yes I am A BITCH but i don't give a fuck people say. All yall haters can go SUCK A LIMP DICK. I'm bisexual but that doesn't mean imma fake person who cheats cause that ain't me. All y'all are scared that im gonna take y'alls man or women. Y'all are just jealous that i don't give a fuck about whose feelings I hurt.....If y'all truly wanna know what i think about people who don't stay in there lane and cheat and ruin other peoples reputation. They can all go fuck themselves, as well as their cousin...... I DON"T GIVE A FUCK ANYMORE. I'm out of fucks when you cna find me more maybe i will. I have reasons why people don't mind their own business there are two 1) NO MIND 2) NO BUSINESS. Heres a simple solution to the problem Punch them in the nose so hard that it bleeds and the won't be nosy anymore.If your minding your own business you wouldn't have time to worry about mine so fuck off! Thats not your problem though. Are you a doctor? I don't think so.Can you help an over weight person? Can you tell them what they should do? NO because they won't listen to you mind your own fucking business.Don't worry your pretty little mind. People throw rocks at things that shine. Its so funny the people who know nothing about you have the most to say.They don't know you but find the time to watch everything you do. Dont worry about what im doing worry about why you're worried about what im doing.I hate it when people are being nosey and trying to pry information out of me. Like bro my personal life.Hey, I found your nose, it's in my business again!Remember when I asked for your opinion? Me neither.Oh I didn't tell you.No.OH It must have been none of your business then.My life, my mistakes, my choices. Not your business!My business isn't your business. Unless you're my thong, don't be up my ass.(guys this just made the most since i dont i would never tell y'all something like that) If you are going to have opinions about my life than I can assume you will be paying some of my bills.Oh, I didn't realize you were an expert on my life. Continue while I take notes.It's an odd thing how some people have to be all up in your business, kind of like a wedgie. Now that's some bad crack.Mind your own problems before you talk about mine.I'm busy right now, can I ignore you another time?If you have a problem with me, write the problem on a piece of paper, fold it, and shove it up your ass.You have an entire life to be an idiot. Why not take today off?I know I'm talking like a jerk, but isn't that the only way you could understand what I'm saying?If laughter is the best medicine in the world, your face is a blessing to the world because it can cure all diseases.If you're waiting for me to start care, I hope you brought something for eating, because it's gonna be a long time.I don't know what your problem is, but I suppose that is something that it's very hard to pronounce.I know that everyone is allowed to act stupid once in awhile, but you're really abusing that privilege.I'm really jealous of all the people who have never met you. You and Monday are really similar — nobody likes you.There are some really dumb people in this world. Thanks for helping me understand that.If ignorance is really a bliss, you must be the happiest person in the world.Good story bro, but in what part do you shut the fuck up?Please, don't stop, keep talking. I only yawn when I'm super intrigued.Whenever I see your face, I'm reminded that God has a great sense of humor.You bring me so much joy and happiness — every single time you leave the room.I think I might have Alzheimer's because I can't remember when was the last time I asked for your opinion.Your lips keep moving, but all I can hear is "blah, blah, blah...Wipe your mouth, there's a little bit of bullshit around your lips.Check your face, please. I think I just found your nose in my business.Check your face, please. I think I just found your nose in my business.It's impressive that you're flexible enough to have your foot in your mouth and head up your ass at the same time.You should really come with a warning label.Breaking news just in: You're an asshole!I finally got the last knife of the set you've been stabbing in my back all these years. Heads up: I re gift.Acting like a dick won't make yours any bigger.Thanks for teaching me how sick and cruel a person can be.I'm sorry I hurt your feelings when I called you a sociopath. I thought you already knew.Since narcissistic is too big a word for you. How about asshole? Do you understand asshole?I've run into a lot of people like you, but I usually have to pay.They say that the universe is composed of protons, electrons, and neurons. Too bad there are also morons.Everyone thinks that you are stupid. I think that you just have bad luck thinking.Sorry, I did not get that. I don't speak moron.There is a reason that no one likes you. That reason is You!You know, happy and secure people have no reason to put others down.Are you constipated, because you talk like you are full of crap.You aren't bothering me. You need to care about someone for them to affect you.Do you know what sound I love? The sound of you shutting up.You know, it is actually pretty easy to be a decent human being. You should try it sometime.Everyone has a right to their opinion, and we all have a right to ignore it.You should quit trying to be a smart ass when it is clear you are just an ass.I would insult you, but I am not sure that you would get it.I've been called a lot worse by people a lot better than you.Have a nice day. Preferably somewhere else.Do you know what's funny? Definitely not you, so just shut up. Another thing i hate is when guys say i'd tell you a joke about my dick but its to long... Girls if anyone and I mean anyone says that to you all you have to do is say i'd tell you a joke about my vigina but your never gonna get it. Cause their pride will be hurt for the rest of the day. Anyways no more ranting about bull shit just know you all are beautiful and are all smart. None of this was meant for my followers it was just a rant so don't take any of it personal. I just really needed to get that off my chest. anyways i love you, respect you, and care for you.

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