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SOOOOOOOO I'M FUCKING PISSED RIGHT NOW..... I WANNA FUCKING KILL MY STEPDAD... sorry for yelling but he made me give my boyfriend his hoodie back TwT... He said it looked too stretched out too baggy and too trashy... NEWS FUCKING FLASH I LIKE BEING TRASHY... I AM NOT SOME HIGH-CLASS BITCH... GO FUCK YOURSELF... I told my aunt everything that he's done to me which is a lot that I don't wanna talk about... But I'm moving in with her on November 30... 18 more Goddamn days... I can't fucking wait... I also learned I'm homicidal and suicidal so that's fun... I can't deal with him anymore... My mom says I'm not gonna move I don't have enough balls... But when the day rolls around I'm gonna be sitting down at the end of the driveway with my shit packed... My mother needs to have a come to Jesus moment... And realize that my depression, my anxiety, and my PTSD comes from him he's the fucking reason... Nobody can raise a hand without my fucking flinching... what the FUCK DOES THAT TELL YOU... Sorry for the rant I just needed to get that off my chest... 

Bye guys....

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