People need to keep promises

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Hey guys why dont people dont keep their fucking promises when it comes to me. So heres what happened my aunt said she would stay with me after she got out of rehab before she found her own place and yesterday we were supposed to unpack her clothes and put them into the dresser. BUT No, she didn't even fucking show up... So me and my mom went to walmart expecting her to be home by then. When we got home she wasn't there. I flipped out on her over the phone here are my exact word. "WHY THE FUCK AREN'T YOU HERE. YOU PROMISED YOU FUCKING PROMISED WHY THE HELL AREN'T YOU HERE I KNOW YOUR FATHERS IMPORTANT BUT YOU STAYED WITH HIM ALL FUCIING WEEKEND THIS WEEK WAS SUPPOSED TO BE YOU AND ME JUST US! BUT NO YOU TOTALLY FUCKING FORGOT ABOUT ME OH HEY WHAT ABOUT KRIS... OH SHE'LL BE FINE.. SHE HAS HER MOTHER WHO DOESN'T FUCKING CARE ABOUT HER!!!!! SHE'LL BE FINE....... I DON'T FUCKING CARE ABOUT HER I'LL JUST BREAK MY PROMISE TO HER AND STAY WITH MY GODDAMN FATHER. YOU WANNA KNOW SOMETHING Y'ALL USED TO BE DRUG BUDDIES. AND HE HAS CPS WATCHING HIM WITH YOUR SISTERS KID BECAUSE SHE CAN'T TAKE CARE OF HIM BECAUSE OF ADDICTION AND IF THERE'S A FUCKING FELON IN THE HOUSE HE CAN GET MY NEPHEW/COUSIN TAKEN FROM HIM.I DON'T WANT THAT TO FUCKING HAPPEN I LOVE HIM AND CPS CAN POP IN ANY FUCKING TIME. WITH MY HOUSE WE DON'T HAVE ALL THAT GOING ON SO SHE CAN STAY WITH US NO CONSEQUENCES" anyways guys there is a few more things that i wanna say to her. Here they are I don't see how you tell me so many lies, and not feel bad. I hate liars hypocrites and people who take advantages of people who love them and care about them. The most dangerous liars are ones like you who think their telling the truth.I'm always disappointed when your pants don't catch fire. I love listening to your lies. When I know the truth. I will never lie to you because I love you, and I will never believe you because you lie to me.Out of all the lies you've told me I think I love you was my favorite. Your secrets and lies have killed our relationship we used to have. NO matter how many times you think i'm i'm not catching on I promise I already caught you.Just be fucking honest with me or stay the hell away from me, Its not difficult. I've caught you in a lie now i'm questioning everything you said.You're a beautiful liar.A wonderful teller of tales. I'm still clapping from the last show you did. But miss you no, no I do not miss you.I cannot miss someone who was never there in the first place.No matter if its a big or small lie it's still a lie and it still hurt the person who loved you most. If lying was a crime you'd be in prison. Honesty is a gift so i didn't expect it from such a cheap person. A murderer will kill me a thief steal from me, but, you a liar i'll never know where i stand.If lying was a job some people would be a billionaire. I hate liars, especially when all I did was keep it real with you. And its not me who you have to deal with when you meet your maker. 

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