Chapter 6 (Finally an update)

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*Three years later (8 years of being together)*

(And the picture is like perfect for this chapter)

Harry's POV


I sat there thinking of what happened not even 5 months ago. There was this girl that came along and basically stole Lou from me. But I know it was management's fault; They tell me this girl's name is Eleanor Calder, but I call her a "Starbucks-loving hoe." Because she is one.

But its just like... why did she have to come along after me and Lou being together for so damn long.

I repeat the words of "Half A Heart," which the band made a long time ago, nearly every day. I miss Lou. Everything has basically ruined my life, and definitely his, since she came around. And if there's a song that happens to describe things, it's that one. It's so hard around here without him.

Though I try to get you out of my head, the truth is I got lost without you.

And since then I've been waking up to only half a blue sky, kinda there but not quite.

I'm walking around with just one shoe, I'm half a heart without you.

I'm half a man at best with half an arrow in my chest.

I miss everything we do, I'm half a heart without you.

I opened up my desk drawer and took out a piece of paper, writing on it:

Dear Lou,
Please come home, I miss you so damn much. Eleanor has stolen every piece of my heart away because you're all of it. I need you so so badly; without you, I have and am nothing. And that's what I have had for the past 5 months, you're never home anymore. Management and Eleanor have ruined our relationship. I should've just married you when I had the chance and moved away with you, seriously, fuck. Then we wouldn't be in this mess.
I'm so sorry baby, I could've had this under control. But I don't, and I lost you as a result of my mistake.
I'm waiting for the day when I can see your beautiful self again.

H xx

I got out of my chair and folded the letter, going downstairs to put it into the folder I made a while back that held all the letters I've written that had "For when you come home, Lou.." written on the front. I slowly sighed, observing it once again before turning away and walking to the fridge to grab a beer because that's all I ever drank nowadays.


Lou's POV


I want to go home. I hate this bitch, Eleanor. I've had to deal with her for five months now and that's how long I've been away from Har-


That's why management made me do this in the first place. Because I'm gay and with Harry.

I need to get away from this place and call Haz but I don't know where my phone is. I looked up at Eleanor as she smiled but she stayed quiet. What a hoe, I thought as I sat there on one of our apparent "dates". Starbucks is literally overrated. I cleared my throat to get her attention and I told her how I was "going to the bathroom." Basically, she allowed me without actually following me.

My main plan was to talk to Harry, and I was about to make that happen. I quickly headed for the bathrooms but then I looked to make sure Eleanor wasn't looking (which she wasn't, thankfully), and I snuck out of Starbucks. I could always leave her here..

But I walked around pulling out my phone, and I scrolled to find Harry's contact. I pressed the call button urgently and after a few rings he answered.

"LOU! WHERE ARE YOU AND HOW ARE YOU EVEN CALLING ME?!" Harry screamed through the phone.

"Shut up! I'm not supposed to be but I told her I was going to the bathroom, when in reality I'm kinda outside of Starbucks... Harry, all I can say is that I really fucking miss you and I want to come home but I can't and fuck, Harry, I hate being with her. You have to help me." I sniffled a little, tears forming in my eyes.

"B-Baby please don't cry, otherwise I'll start to. You'll be home soon I swear. And then we'll get to do whatever we want, watch movies, cuddle, do all the old things we used to do.. It'll be normal again soon. And can't you lie and tell them you feel really sick and then you can come home? And fuck, this is probably all my fault you even ended up in this mess. We could've run off and gotten marri- I mean live together with no trouble. But fuck it's really all my fault. I'm so sorry. Just please come home!" Harry whined, the hurt clear in his voice.

I let a tear slip before answering again, "I'm gonna try to come home, and then we can go wherever we want.. wherever you want, to get away from here. Maybe we can move to Ireland with Niall or something... or at least get away from Doncaster. We could even move to Cheshire and live with your parents, Harry! I'm gonna try so hard to be away from here. I'm sorry baby.."

And then I hung up, tears falling harder now, and I didn't realize it but it had also started raining. I wiped my tears and ran inside, back to the stupid table.

"Time to go Eleanor. Date's over." I groaned and then walked out, ignoring Eleanor's attempts at trying to hold my hand. "Seriously, go back to management and tell them what a wonderful date we had. Please." I sighed looking back at her.

Eleanor sighed as well and muttered a small 'okay', before asking if I needed a ride. I shook my head and she, from what I'm guessing, called management and they came and picked her up while I went to my own car and drove home, to where I truly belonged. With Harry.

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