Chapter Nine

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I wake with a stir feeling warm I open my eyes to see that I am not in bed but in a small room with one round window and a bed. I sit up in bed looking around trying to figure out where I am but I keep coming up blank. I hear talking coming from somewhere I look over and I see a door.

I get out of bed walking over to the door to see that it leads into the seating area of what looks like an airplane and I frown not getting what is going on. I look around and I see Alejandro sitting with his laptop on his knees working.

I have no idea where I am or how I got here but I have a feeling that I don't want to know, I walk deeper into the airplane causing Alejandro to look up at me. He closes his laptop putting it aside.

"Hey, your awake" he says with a big smile.

"Where are we?" I ask taking up the seat beside him.

"Well," he looks out the window. "I have no idea some where I guess" he says and I sigh.

"Where are we going?"

"On the trip remember, we are going to Greece they have beautiful beaches" he says and I smile leaning back when my stomach growls. "Someone's hungry"

I nod "Yeah" I tell him pulling my hair to the side.

"Why don't you go change out of your dress and I'll bring you some food" he tells me and I nod.

I walk back into the room where I woke up in I have no idea how I got on this plane or why I am here but I'm happy to be taking this trip getting away from all the stress of our life. I find one of Alejandro's shirt I take it down placing it on the bed I reach around trying to unzip my dress but it's not working.

"Crap" I mutter trying to unzip it.

Just as I was about to give up I feel soft hands take over I look behind me to see Alejandro unzipping my dress for me. I hold the front part to me not wanting it to fall I stand with my back to him as he unzips my dress.

Once he's done he places a light kiss on my shoulder I close my eyes feeling this strange sensation rush through me and I take a deep breath as I feel his hand curl around my middle pressing me into his front.

We stand like this for I don't know how long his hands on my stomach his nose on my shoulder just being in this space puts everything at ease and I know for sure that I am in love because I don't need anything else just him and his hold.

"I like your smell" he says and I blush. "God, I wish we could stay like this forever"

I feel the same way about him and our life I have a feeling that things will change in our life and that they will be better. A few more minutes past before he left me to get dress in his shirt it didn't do much to hide my body from him it ended just on my thighs leaving my legs on full display for him to see.

I walk into the airplane to find him engrossed in work and a tray of food waiting for me I take up my seat opening the tray to see that it's just sandwiches and I smile. I take up a sandwich taking a bite when something strikes me.

"I slapped Blake in the face" I say for some reason.

Alejandro looks over at me grey eyes shocked.

"Finally realized that he was an ass?" He says with an amused smile but I didn't find it funny it still hurts.

He was a friend he was there for me when no one else was he looked out for me when I thought I was dying he stood by me and made sure I was never alone. Him calling me dumb and stupid just stung but I know that Alejandro would never get it so I don't say anything.

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