Chapter Fourteen

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Jasmine Milano

I have no idea what is going on anymore I just woke up to find myself in a hospital and a guy all over me calling me baby it's freaking me out. I look up at the doctor as he checks my vitals and other things the guy that I woke up to see is still here he is standing by the window with his hands in his pocket.

He looks stressed and tried his light grey eyes red and tired he has bags under his eyes and his beard is showing. Once the doctor was finished with me he and the guy left and it was just me with my thoughts before my mother barges into the room in tears.

She engulfs me in a big hug making me hiss as it pains in my chest for some reason and she pulls back apologizing. I look up at her brown eyes red and puffy making me frown I wonder what happened to me that I'm in the hospital.

"Mom what's going on?" I ask and she looks over at my dad he too is in tears. "Oh dad" I laugh a bit but my chest pains so I stop.

"Oh, sweetie it's so good to hear you laugh" my mom dries my eyes and I smile.

"Excuse me guys but we need to do a little test on Mrs. Russo here" the doctor says and I frown. Who is Mrs. Russo? I wonder then he comes to stand in front of me. "Jasmine can you tell me where you live?"

I frown looking around the room at my parents and they are staring at me in fear of something and I look back at the doctor.

"I live at 98 Magnolia Court in Spain" I tell him and he nods.

"Can you tell me what years it is?" he says and I frown.

"Are you kidding me?" I ask not getting why he is doing this.

"Just answer the question please"

"2013" I say and the guy I woke up to see curses making me frown.

"What is the last thing you remember?"

I think on it and the only thing I can remember is driving down some road then being hit out of nowhere by bright lights that's it.

"I.....I don't know" I say my tears welling up. "Why can't I remember?" I ask in fear. "Mom" I cry and she hugs me.

"It's okay baby everything is going to be okay" she says hushing me.

I cry on her shoulder before sleep takes over and I let it.

I wake with a stir turning in bed I look around to see that I am still in the hospital I have no idea how I got here but it must be pretty bad if I am in so much pain. I look around the room and I am all alone it's dark out and raining.

I sit up in bed trying to get comfortable when my chest burns and I hiss holding it, I must have been in one pretty bad accident if I am in England and in so much pain. I look down at my hand as I try to calm my brain when I notice a ring on my middle finger and I pale.

This can't be happening I can't be married, I look down at the rose gold pink diamond on my finger and just like that I want to die. I am married but to who and how I never thought I would get married to anyone ever I was always too shy to even talk to a guy so how am I married.

I sit just staring at my hand before the guy with the grey eyes walks back into the room and he looks completely different he has shaven and he looks a lot more rested. Could it be him could he be my husband? I wonder just looking at him he did call me baby when I woke up.

"Are you my husband?" I ask and he looks at me in shock before slightly nodding his head. "How did this happen?"

He takes a breath coming to sit with me on the bed he reaches for my hand taking it and I try not to pull back as his touch wakes something inside me something strange that I don't understand.

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