Chapter Eighteen

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Alejandro's POV

The annoying sound of a heart machine wakes me from my somewhat sleep I turn trying to get away from it but it only gets louder and I want it to stop. I slowly open my eyes to see that I am in a hospital room I should have figured that something like this would have happened to me in the end.

I thought for sure when I walked into the house and hearing her teary voice saying we abounded her broke my heart but I had to set the record straight. I had just gotten the test results back and all the info on where Kirsten was and it all added up.

When she had told us that Blake threatened her, I knew something was up so I did some digging and it all finally came into play. Everything made sense why she left why she came back at just the right time all of this was done to break me and Jasmine up.

I knew that he had something up his sleeve there was no way he was just going to let the fact that I finally won. So, I wasn't surprised when I walked in an found him hand holding Jasmine, I knew it was only a matter of time before he brought her the truth.

I was worried about her finally finding out the truth but relived that it would be out there and we could finally start over and be happy. But as I have come to understand with our life nothing is without a little drama.

I still can't believe that Blake shot me I knew he was crazy but that was just a bit much but I'm finally happy that the truth is out. It was killing me keeping it from Jasmine but now that she knows we can finally work on being happy again.

I lay just thinking about how I am going to make everything up to her I know that I have a lot of explaining to do and a lot of making up to do but I don't mine. The truth came out and she is still with me that is all that matters and now that she is pregnant, I know she would never leave me.

My room door opens and Stephanie walks in she looks up at me dark blue eyes a little sad I know that we have all been through a lot but now that the worst is behind us, we can focus on being happy and a family again.

"How are you feeling?" she asks after the doctor checked me out.

"Okay. Is Jasmine here?" I ask and her face falls. "Is she okay? Is the baby okay?"

"She's fine" she tells me with a smile but she looks worried.

"What aren't you telling me?" I ask and she looks down at her hand. "Stephanie?" I press.

She breaks down and I pull her to me hugging her I know that this is scary for her it is for me to but I am okay we are all okay. After she pulled herself together, she filled me in on a few things like that fact that Jasmine didn't leave my bed while I was out or that she refuses to talk to her family.

I know that we have all hurt her but we didn't mean to I know that I myself have a lot of begging to do in order to win back her complete trust and I am willing to beg for my life I just want our life to get back to normal.

A few days passed in a blur and I was finally being released from the hospital I have been waiting patiently for Jasmine to come by and visit me but so far nothing. I keep asking Stephanie for her and she says that she is fine but I won't believe that until I see it for myself.

Stephanie brought me home I walked into the living room looking around and I didn't have to ask I knew that nothing that something was up. I head upstairs just hoping to run into the woman I love but the place was empty all of her things were still there but she wasn't.

I stand just taking in everything before I head footsteps behind me, I turn around to find Kevin looking at me with a sad expression on his face and my heart breaks.

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