Visiting Grumblegard

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"Okay, Cutter, strike a pose" Leyla said, hunched in front of a piece of paper that was propped against a box. Cutter obliged, striking his most noble pose. Leyla started to draw.

Halfway through the drawing, Cutter's nose started to itch. Uh oh. He thought. I'm going to sneeze. He held it in for as long as possible until – "ACHOO!"

Cutter quickly resumed his regal position. "Done!" Leyla declared, picking up the drawing. "And just in time" Winger said, coming down the trapdoor. "We have to visit Grumblegard and the babies today" "I know" Leyla responded, putting down the picture and picking up her dragon diary. "I'm SO excited! He knows SO SO SO much about dragons! I can't wait!"

Winger noticed the picture. "Oh wow Leyla, that's really good!" he said. "Except the face is a little... off" "Cutter sneezed" Leyla told the Swiftwing.

Cutter stared guiltily at the floor. "I tried to hold it in" he mumbled. Leyla held the drawing out to him and he took it in his claws, being careful not to cut it. He rolled it up and tied it to his saddle. Dak jumped down. "Ready to go, guys?" he said with his usual enthusiasm.

"Yeah!" Leyla said, pocketing her diary and pencil. She opened the door and ran outside, jumping onto her Fastfin, Summer. Dak climbed onto Winger. The other dragons, Burple, Cutter, and Aggro, followed close behind.

Winger loved to fly. He enjoyed the feeling of wind on his wings. He remembered his first long flight. His mother had taken him out to get some sunshine, and they were flying over the sea when suddenly the clouds rolled in. Rain started to fall. They were just about to head back when Winger spotted something.

"Mom, what's that?" he had asked, pointing to a floating... thing made of wood. It was sinking into the waves. Winger's mother stopped and stared at it. She could see two children on the sinking boat. They were young, and their parents were nowhere in sight. Her maternal instinct kicked in and she swooped over to the boat with Swiftwing speed, grabbing the two children. The smaller of the children, who had longer hair tied in a short braid, was clutching a small leather thing tightly to her chest.

She lifted them into the air, and did a quick scan for their parents. They still weren't there. So she brought the children back to Winger. Winger looked at them. "Who are those?" His mother smiled. "These are your new siblings"

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