New Arrival

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"Grumblegard!" Leyla called out as Summer approached the island with a small purple dragon in tow, struggling against the strong winds that were pushing him backwards. "Grumblegard, it's us!"

The Foreverhorn saw who it was and stopped the wind, and Summer rushed forward suddenly. Leyla gave a cry of surprise and held on tight to Summer as she spiraled towards the ground. The small purple dragon squawked and followed, landing on the ground beside the human and her dragon companion.

"Leyla!" Grumblegard said. "Sorry, I thought you were a Slinkwing. Where's Dak?"

"He's back home. His arm's hurting." As she said this, she looked at Grumblegard. "Are you sure you didn't recognize that dragon?"

Grumblegard didn't answer. "Um, hey, who's the little guy?" he asked. Leyla looked suspicious but answered him. "It's a Roaming Ramblefang baby we found" she said. "You want me to take care of him?" The Foreverhorn asked. "I already have enough on my hands with these five"

The Ramblefang cooed sweetly and turned it's huge, round yellow eyes upon Grumblegard. "Okay fine, he can stay"

The small dragon leaped up to the Foreverhorn, licking his nose and face.

"Now" Leyla said. "What was the dragon that attacked Dak and Winger?"

Grumblegard looked like he was about to panic. Summer looked at him, curious, but Leyla didn't seem to notice. "I - uh - told you - I don't know - but - I - I have a... friend who might. "

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