II. MingKit (3)

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He pulled away slightly to look at me."So, Changed your mind yet?"

I thought about it carefully. At first I was attracted by his looks. How he looks so effortlessly perfect. His smooth skin, silky hair, deep dimples. Not to mention his shiny white teeth. I think it was natural for me to be shocked when seeing him being so....mundane, although a bit weird for some. But it doesn't overshadow the emotions  felt when I saw his kindness towards others, his charm and humor.

I lifted my hand to pull his face closer. "I don't know. You're not what I expected you to be but that doesn't mean I would stop liking you. Admittedly, I felt deceived at first but it makes you even more attractive in my eyes. Now everything you do is adorable and makes me fall deeper. I'm  very happy to see you like this and I'd like to get to know you more, if that's alright with you."


Tilting his head, he looked at me with a weirded out expression. "That is so cheesy. Damn, I would have melted if it wasn't for me being such a weirdo."

"Well, what can I say? I have recently developed a peculiar taste in lovers." I said while pinching his soft cheeks growing redder and redder as he tries to escape. Realizing that I won't let go, he pouts, giving up his attempts.

"Stop it."

"Neverrr!" His cheeks are so squishy that I can't stop touching them. I wanted more. I proceeded to peck his cheeks despite his protests and when I  couldn't take it anymore I bit his right cheek.

"Ahhh!" P'Kit gave a sharp gasp, eyes wide in surprise as he cupped his cheek, hiding a light bite mark. "Mingkwan!" Despite the angry tone, his face was bright red, the flush reaching his ears. 

Not listening to him, I continued to alternate biting between both his cheeks with a little more pressure. I was so enthralled that I failed to notice his tears until his cries became too loud.

"It hurts!" He sobbed, pushing me away with fists still tightly clenched on my shirt. His face got so red from all the crying and bite marks that my heart almost stopped from the shock. Lowering his hands, I quickly grabbed  a bunch of ice cubes and wrapped it with my handkerchief. I gently splashed his face with water and pressed the ice pack to his cheek.

Scared for his reaction , I tried to apologize. "I'm so sorry, Phi. Umm, I don't know what came over me. I never did that before."

I detached myself from him, assuming that he needed a little space to calm down but immediately ran back to his embrace when he cried harder. When he calmed down I tried to gently remove his arms from my waist to fetch him a glass of water. I tried to comfort him and tell him that it won't take long but no matter how hard I try to separate from him, he won't let go so I resigned to carrying him. I hoisted him up and he wrapped his legs around me naturally.

Slightly shocked and amused by the change of behavior, I grinned. "If you wanted to be cared for, all you had to do was ask."

He stayed silent. The only reply he gave was a long scratch leaving a sting from my nape to my left shoulder. I winced, "ok, I'll stop teasing."

Leaning closer to his ear, I whispered," For now." Then he dug his nails on the exposed area of my lower back.

I chuckled, setting him down on the sofa. Glaring at me, he pulled me down and sat comfortably in my lap. He reached for his book on the coffee table then started revising for his tests. Knowing I wouldn't be leaving anytime soon, I tried to make my self at ease, resting one hand on his thigh and holding up my phone with the other. My hand was slapped off when I drummed my fingers against his thigh, inducing body-shaking giggles . Not wanting him to fail  his tests, I restrained myself from distracting my senior and moved my hand to rest on his right hip.

We stayed up until 12:30 with P'Kit studying diligently and me keeping him awake. Seeing his head sway side to side, I gently caress his stomach to keep him from falling asleep. When he finally put down his book, I rested his head on my shoulder and carried him to his bed. I brushed his hair away from his face before I removed his glasses and placed them on his night stand. Once I was about to leave, he pulled me down to lay beside him. I covered ourselves with a blanket while he snuggled against me, wriggling as he tried to find a comfortable position.

With the moon and stars shining a faint light across the dark room, I fell asleep listening to his slow breaths and our hearts gradually beating in sync.

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of his alarm clock at 6am and found him still buried in my chest. I stroked his back, trying to coax him into getting ready. "C'mon, honey, wake up.  You have tests to take today."

It seems that he doesn't plan on moving anytime soon as he snuggled further into me. I sighed with a small smile as I scooped him up and carried him bridal style to the bathroom and placed him on the closed toilet seat. Then I prepared his bath. "I'll be right outside cooking breakfast ok? What time does your class start?"

I turned towards him and he replied still half asleep, "8am. Then a one hour break at 12:30. My last class ends at 5."

"That's good then," I smiled. "I'll pick you up at your faculty."

Without waiting for his reply I walked out to put his uniform on the bed then went to the kitchen to prepare our breakfast.

When he was finished, we ate together then I dropped him off at his faculty before I got myself ready for my class.

After class, by 12:40 I arrived at the medical faculty just in time to join him for lunch. Before I could reach the table, he walked the short distance towards me and said,"Hi, honey." Pulling me down by my collar, he swooped up to peck me on the lips.

I was frozen in shock until he giggled, looking up at me with pinkish cheeks while playing with the straps of my backpack. Pulled back to reality, I rubbed my nose against his,"Hello, princess."

Slinging my arm on his shoulder, he guided me to set my bag on their table.

"I'll order some shawarma rice. Beef, spicy?"

He nodded then I headed to a small Leylam's stall.

As I walked by, people were cheering, shocked but amused that the model student is finally taken. If you listened closely you could hear someone sobbing "We never stood a chance."

A friend replied,"That's not fair. How could we compete with an engineering wolf? Those romantic barbarians."

"Let's get out of here."

After that, almost half of the tables have been cleared but my heart was full, completed with its other half.

End of II. MingKit

I've been craving for fluff so... haha
This is considered fluff, right? Idk it makes me feel warm somehow.

I hope you all had a blessed all souls day❤️

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