Chap. 7 "B.V.R"

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Allen Thorn

I was listening to Evanescence's Eternal while my brother texted his girl. Mr. Oriskinnov dropped my brother and I off before going out himself. He said he was dating the epitome of Mother Russia herself. Not knowing what Russia is like myself, I almost joked about Russia always being cold, communist and in war but decided against it. He might've gave me the Backhand of Stalin had I playfully insulted his home country.

I was minding my business until I saw my brother's eyes widen and he exclaimed a oh crap. Removing my headphones before he even waved at me he started by saying,

"Okay, you're about to witness an entire gang of girls in hysteria. Whatever you do, don't get mad at them, and DO NOT say they are overreacting."

"My gawd, is it DEFCON 1 level hysteria?"


"Oh crap, did you grab my meds? The Geodon?"

Silence, silence speaks volumes.

Then the girls walked in, Sarah a shade paler than normal. Gone was the obnoxious laughter and in it's stead was quiet muttering. Again, silence speaks volumes. That's why I'm quiet most of the time.

"Here, ladies," I handed them my bank card, "pay with this and we'll sort it out."

"Nononono, it's okay!" Megan stammered, "We're not hungry!"

Hannah shouldered past her and took the card, murmuring, "It is NOT okay."

Crap, what have I done? Oh, I know, I just gave Hannah 30 grand and she doesn't even know it.

"Here!" I stood, offering my seat. My brother Clark vouched, "You might as well sit down and explain what's what."

I pulled the chairs out for the girls and after they were seated I wormed my way in next to my brother. Kayla on the other side of my brother, in front of me Alisha stared blankly at me, to my right Megan quite literally twiddled her thumbs, and to my left, across from Makayla sat Sarah, her face strained in thought.

"Guys, you're stressing me the hell out. What happened?"

Sarah didn't hardly move, her face not even twitched, but her hand reached inside her coat and produced a piece of paper which she slid my way. Unfolding it, the paper read:

Honk, honk, little bird, you have an accident? Poor, poor thing, the most delicate of delicacies, only enjoyed by nigh on royalty. Continue to sing, little songbird, the crescendo is coming, so practice makes perfect little bird. Sing. —B.V.R

The crescendo is coming? I thought.

I didn't even notice Hannah return and declare, "Beware evil! For we have cookies!"

In a millisecond of rage I punched the table, causing everyone to jump, and I shot from my seat and began pacing back and forth. People from other tables cast glances at us as I internally seethed. Clark ordered calmly, his voice the voice of reason at the moment, "Allen, sit down."

I did, trying to steady my breathing before I do something I should regret. My index finger jabbed the paper as I said, "If I get my hands on this person-"

"Allen." My brother cooed. The girls watched as I tried deep-deep breaths like my psychologist told me.

"Welp," Hannah declared again, her eyes weary, "everyone processes stuff differently. Question number one: Who the hell is dumb enough to mess with the Doom Squad?" Then she added affectionately, "And the Incredible Hulk over there? You got purple speedos under there or somethin'?"

"No," I said in zero humor, "no I don't."

I sighed, and began rereading the note, trying to get any clues out of it.

"Little bird?" Alisha repeated, "Are they a gamer? Atlas from Bioshock 4?"

"I don't know about that." I answered.

"It's something to consider." Megan said with a shrug.

"Another thing," my brother said, "is who put it there and why the hall monitors didn't see it?"

"Do you think he's a musician?" I asked.

"Do you think he is a he?" Alisha stressed, her voice rising an octave, "What if it's a she? O-or an it?" She thought about what she just said and added, "Okay, that sounded wrong."

"If he-or whoever is a musician," Clark stated, "band class has hundreds of students."

"They gave us initials though!" Hannah said, "I could try and call in some favors with the board-"

"NO." Makayla spat, "No. More. Favors."

I glanced back and forth between the two and Makayla added, "You're too good for that."



Hannah grew silent and then I asked, "Do you have enemies in the board?"

"Hulk, I got more enemies than Donald Ragin' Cajun Trump."

"That's-that's whoa."


"Guys," Sarah sighed, "at this point it could be anyone. I bet the initials are phony as well."

"Acronym?" I thought aloud.

Sarah shook her head and set it on the table, her voice muffled by her arm, "I don't know."

"Hey," Makayla reached over and took Sarah's hand, "we'll get through this."

For a moment that felt like eternity, no one else provided any more theories. Until my brother finished with asking, "Do you think they're dangerous?"

"Bruh," Hannah said, "the writer called her a friggin' delicacy. Friend of mine's dad moved out of town due to the shocking number of girls who disappear from prom every year, so yeah, this could be serious. Houston's great but it ain't the nicest city in the US."

"Punkd has possibly done worse-"

"Guys," Sarah groaned, "I don't want to talk about this anymore."

Silence spoke volumes while everyone scrambled for a way to curb the topic. Hannah, normally the most hostile, seemed to be the most outgoing at the moment and saved us from more awkwardness by declaring, "Alrighty guys! I know exactly what we need! A spontaneous visit to The Fast Track~"

A/N: True fact, my Dad moved out of Houston when I was younger partly so he could watch his recently born daughter grow up.

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