2 - Deep dive

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Ruelle ~ Deep End


What. The. Fuck.

When the two boys looked around, the sight welcoming them felt surreal. Tall trees surrounding the small clearing with the small body of water they were currently in. It was nighttime and the full Moon was straight above them, its reflection shining on the black surface of the water. It was cloudy so the stars barely gave any light. It wasn't too dark though since the Moon was brighter than they'd ever seen it. It looked bigger, too.

"Is this a dream? A nightmare?" Jungkook wondered. 

I can't believe this. Where are we?

"It's only a nightmare in a sense that you are here", Taehyung huffed, trying to keep up his act and not let his walls crumble.

"Do you think everything will return to normal if we dive again?" Jungkook said, hoping it would work. It was the only way he could think of.

"I hope so... let's try it", Taehyung nodded.

Suddenly a loud howling cut through the air and sent shivers down their spines. Taehyung had already been shivering from the cold water but now he looked like he wanted out of there as fast as possible. Jungkook was no different. In order to not get separated, the younger grabbed his elder's hand and then they took a dive.

Please, please, please work.


Taehyung rose from the deep for the second time. A large wave of relief came over him when he saw that they weren't in the mysterious forest anymore. He then felt Jungkook squeeze his hand.

"I don't know what I would have done if that didn't work", Jungkook shook his head, still holding the other's hand.

"Died from fear maybe? You're still holding my hand like you're scared", Taehyung laughed a little to hide his own shock.

"Fuck you, should have just left you there", Jungkook complained and let go. Taehyung's hand instantly felt cold.

"Yeah. It could actually be great, a world without you annoying the hell out of me", Taehyung retorted and smiled when the usual bicker was back.

They got out of the pool and went in the Jeon house to change into dry clothes. Taehyung could have gone over the road to his home but it was Jungkook who pushed him into the pool in the first place so might as well let the other borrow some clothes.

"It's getting late, want to stay the night?" Jungkook asked as they ate pizza for late dinner. He seemed uneasy. Well truth to be told, the older wasn't in his best condition either. So he agreed.

Why the hell am I having a sleepover with him out of all the people?


Jungkook was glad Taehyung agreed to stay over. He was ashamed to admit it but he didn't want to be alone in the big house after what had happened. It was too weird and scary. And he's not easily scared, believe it or not.

"What do you think happened to us?"

Jungkook glanced at Taehyung whom he had thought was already sleeping. The older lied on the couch, staring at the ceiling. Jungkook had offered him his bed but he refused, saying that it probably smelled too much like the younger. Well isn't that a great excuse, he's the one wearing my clothes.

"The hell would I know", Jungkook's sigh turned into an actual yawn. He was exhausted yet hadn't managed to fall asleep. He was sure it was already midnight by now.

"Yeah. What would an idiot like you know...", Taehyung sounded more tired than playful.

"Let's just sleep."

"Yup, maybe sleep will make you wiser."

Little after speaking those words, Taehyung fell asleep and the younger soon followed. Last thing Jungkook heard before sleep took him away were the older's soft snores. 

I hope sleep will make you uglier.


It had been one week since the pool-mystic-pond-in-a-forest-thing and Jungkook had become awfully quiet. Distant. He didn't come up to the older anymore, didn't insult him or- for fuck's sake, that kid didn't even look him in the eye! Yes, you'd have to think his change in behaviour would make Taehyung happy. He used to think so too before it did happen. Now that it's like this, it just doesn't feel natural. It feels so wrong to see him not be his own bratty self.

So, seeing Jungkook avoid his gaze for the nth time, Taehyung snapped. He had been so frustrated for the past couple days and it was becoming too much already. He went up to the boy, grabbed his head and forced Jungkook to look him in the eye. Jungkook's group of friends looked at the two like they were getting the tea of the day. Taehyung couldn't care less about them watching.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jungkook said the exact same words Taehyung would have liked to ask him.

"No, what the fuck is wrong with YOU?"

"You really miss me this much after a week?" Jungkook smirked and Taehyung let go of him. 

"Are you crazy?" 

I'm just a tiny bit worried.

"Nah, at least I'm not attacking someone who didn't even speak a word to me. You're the crazy one, I didn't do anything", Jungkook scoffed.

And that's what's bothering me.

"I have a challenge for you, Jeon", Taehyung suddenly spoke out.

Challenges and bets always worked. Jungkook was very competitive, hated losing and loved to prove himself. Taehyung was convinced it would work this time as well because immediately after hearing the word "challenge", the younger's eyes started to shine in a familiar way.

"You better not waste my time", Jungkook tried to sound uninterested but he was fooling no one. His friends were making faces that proved just how believable his words were.

"I dare you to go back there and stay until twenty minutes have passed."

The look on Jungkook's face was so worth seeing. In all honesty, Taehyung didn't even care if he'd do it or not, he just needed to get things back to normal again.


A/N: lmao they're so stupid in this

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