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A c t - T w o

Destiny and Christopher spent hours floating in the riviera. Talking, kissing, and sometimes just laying in silence. During one of those quiet moments, she stared at the side of his face, tracing the curves of his nose and mouth until drifting off.

Chris was staring at the stars when she turned into him in her sleep. He smiled, fixing the blanket he'd got from the cubby cabin and wrapped his other arm around her as she slept peacefully in his neck. A smile slowly spread across his face from feeling a happiness he hadn't felt since his mother was alive.

"Don't leave me Destiny.." He kissed her forehead and closed his eyes, praying that it would last. He fell asleep shortly after, the couple holding each other as the boat rocked softly.

Christopher woke up almost an hour later with the moon staring back him. It was almost 5AM and security would be around this part of the river soon. He slowly slid from under her, then fixed the blanket to cover her up. She moved in her sleep, but didn't wake. He chuckled to himself, realizing she was a heavy sleeper. After watching her sleep for a couple of minutes, he went to the cockpit to get them back to the docks.

The wind blowing above Destiny eventually woke her up. She was facing the back of the boat and could see they were heading back to the docks. It made her a little sad because she wanted to spend more time with him. He had shown her that the persona he'd put on wasn't always him. He made her feel safe and happy without restraints. Something she doesn't remember feeling since being younger and naive.

Christopher carefully docked Venus and tied her back up, thinking Destiny was still asleep until she sat up. "How long was I out?"

"Not long, about an hour. Sorry I woke you beautiful."

"It's okay..I'm actually hungry now." She admitted, fixing her hair the best way she could.

"We can walk to the hotel and I'll have a friend get us breakfast."

"That sounds nice."


Somewhere in the hills of Paris...

"It's so good to talk to someone familiar. I saw your daughter was here in the paper and wondered how you were doing."

Ah yes, Asha is trying to spread her wings. She's always been such a independent and bright young lady.

"I'm sure. You must be ready for the wedding and grandchildren. I saw her and her fiancé the other day- such a lovely couple."

Fiancé? Vous devez faire erreur, Asha isn't engaged yet.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Salina! She is just being courted then? Ils étaient si proches, j'ai pensé.."

She was with a man?

"Yes..he didn't look her type, but he could have been dressing down since it is just Paris."


"Christopher!" Destiny laughed as he playfully kissed around her neck, tickling her in the process. "I have to go!"

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