𝒦𝒾𝓈𝓈 𝑀𝑒 𝐹𝒾𝓇𝓈𝓉

417 16 5

A c t - T h r e e

Christopher wasn't going to let Destiny leave on that flight without talking to her. He drove back to the flat in a hurry, hoping Tricky was there to take him to the house. "Tricky!" He yelled.

The phone ringing was his only answer. Jogging to it, he picked up the receiver. "Hello?"

"Chris, it's Faith. The Adisa's have us leaving in the morning but Destiny wants to see you tonight." She answered hurriedly. "Where does she want me to meet her?"

"She can go through the backyard to get to the end of the driveway."

"Okay, I'll be there an hour after sundown."

"Great! I gotta go before the show starts, but just promise me you'll take care of her."

"I promise Faith."


The girls played it cool and hung out by the pool before dinner. Olufemi came down while they were being served after finding out Christopher didn't take the check. However, he'd lie to Destiny not knowing that she was going to see him later.

After dinner he went up to her room to talk to her. She opened the door and crossed her arms. "I was getting ready to shower.."

"I see that, I was just letting you know that your tour guide took money in agreement that he would stay away from you. I don't know what you thought he felt for you, but it was obviously not serious to him. Now I hope you will put this silliness behind you and stop looking at me like I've broken your heart."

Scoffing at her father's lie, she just nodded. "You were right, it was silly and I'm ready to do the right thing."

Taking it as her being disappointed with Christopher, Olufemi smiled and kissed her forehead. "Good! Be in bed by a respectable time tonight because we have an early flight out in the morning."

"I'll try.." she watched him leave down the hall, then steps. Rolling her eyes, she closed the door and went back to stuffing her purse with her jewelry. The sun was setting and she was almost completely sure this would be the last time she saw her parents.

Although it made her sad, it also lifted a weight she'd been carrying around for years. They'd run every aspect of her life and now she was finally making a decision on her own. A decision that would allow her to finally be free and hopefully happy.

After showering and changing into a comfortable jumper, she quietly walked down the hall to listen for anymore talking. It was silent, so she went down the steps and made her way to Faith's room where her and Miracle were waiting

"Salina just went to her room, so now is the time. He should be out there."

They all hugged again as Destiny promised to call if she didn't come back. "I better not see you again." Faith playfully scolded. They went out onto the balcony and Destiny looked over the railing again. "Maybe I should get the pillows in case it's a bad jump." She whispered.

"Tricky was fine when he fell-just don't look down. Now go."

Miracle took her purse while Destiny climbed over the railing and took the small jump into the backyard. She tossed her the bag and the girls silently waved goodbye.

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