Imagery's Lies

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Syamone... there's something about that name.

The lust, the temptation, that name in general just gives you chills. My momma name me that name for a reason.

She told me, Syamone child. Never let a man run over you. No matter how much you think you need him.

I was only six at the time, so I just agreed.

But this time.. I wish I would've listened.

I'm sorry mama. That your dear old daughter didn't listen, but that's my fault.

This is how it all started....


Writer's perspective/Syamone's perspective.

Syamone takes a look in the mirror as she glances at her body. She was getting ready for her husband's Nazire, red carpet event.

"How I look?"Nazire says as he comes out with a sharp black tuxedo on.

Syamone walk towards him as her hips sway naturally side to side.

She glances at her husband who look down at her with lust.

His brown colored eyes, lit a sparkle which she notice.

"Nazire. Not tonight."Syamone says giggling as she figure out what was going through his head.

"What? Baby you look good."He replies, giving her a huge smack on her round ass cheek.

She smiles, and adjusts his neck tie, she was so focused on the tie that she didn't realize that his hand was gripping her ass.

"Nazire, we have a carpet event. Let's try to act civilized."She warns. He huffs playfully which causes her to smile.

His childish behavior was hilarious and kind of attractive at times, but sometimes he didn't know how to control it.

She finishes adjusting his tie and takes a step back to look at him.

"Okay, you look fine as hell right now."Syamone says hyping his head up.

He smiles and pecks her lips twice.

"Good. I'ma put on my good shoes and then we can go."

Syamone nods and goes back to the mirror as she takes a look at herself in the mirror again.

The silver-white dress that hugged her curves just right.

Her chocolate smooth skin tone goes well with the color also.

Syamone places the necklace that says "Nazire" around her neck.

She models a little bit in the mirror catching sight of her look.

Her hair was long and straighten for this red carpet event. She personally had her eyelashes done.

The look was unbelievable, especially her makeup, the nude simple natural look brought out her blue eyes.

"The limo is outside."Nazire says from downstairs.

She quickly grabs her white coach purse, and walks down the stairs quickly.

Once she got down the stairs, she wraps her arm around Nazire's and walks towards the limo.

"You look so good right now."Nazire says to her as he admires her curvy but little body.

"Thank you babe. You don't look so bad yourself."She replies.

Which she wasn't lying, Nazire's face with his brown colored eyes, nice fitted goatee.

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