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Syamone's Point Of View,

"Sorry, that I'm late.",I exclaim walking into my label meeting late as fuck. Londyn gives me a stern look.

"We've got a problem Ms.Syamone."Beast says as he fluffs his new spotty tie. I roll my eyes, when does he ever not have a problem.


He pulls out his silver IPhone Xr, showing a paparazzi exclusive recording of Nazire showing up at our house.

"So that's why you're late. Huh? Well at least you got some dick."Londyn says emusingly. I look at her with a scowl on my face.

She leans back in her chair mumbling a sorry and looks down at her IPad.

"Ok, you can turn it off. I'm aware of what's going on."Beast slams his phone onto the table, looking at me with disgust.

"You had one simple ass job, and that was to make an album, release, platinum, and gold!"

I parted my mouth to say something but he held up a finger to not speak at all.

"In that specific chronological order Syamone."He yells.

I give him a wry grin.

"Who said that we had sex? What if he came over to try to talk things out."I reply.

Beast let out a sarcastic chuckle.

"Hmph, talk at damn near three o'clock in the morning."

"Precisely."I say playing with my fingers..

"Is it released?"I say in a whisper referring to the paparazzi video.

Beast looks at me.

"No, it isn't..... all because I paid them almost three hundred thousand dollars not to release it, then I had my team go over there and made sure they deleted it."

"I might be an asshole, but I wouldn't let this ruin you. Now, get it together and do not let this happen again. Understood?"

I nod.

"Good, now. That's out of your video shoot budget."

"W-What! Beast no you can't do that."I yell. I need that money for all the cool projects I was going to do.

"I can and I discussed it with Londyn and it's done. I cleaned up that little mess for you, so don't think you were gonna get off the hook."

I side eye Londyn who's sitting there texting wildly on her phone.

I got up and trot out the same door, that brought me into this place.

Suddenly, I hear high heels clicking behind me.


I wisk around to face her as she had a guilty facial expression displayed for me to see.

"No, it's not going to work Londyn. Now why would you agree to that?"I ask. She moves her hair to the side of her ear.

"Mone, cause I just felt like you needed to learn from your mistakes and move on. I understand that it's a process to get over a broken heart, but sleeping with him? I know you're better than that."She explains.

She's right Syamone. If I'm ever gonna get over Nazire, I have to learn to ignore and grow.

"Your right Londyn, now how many songs does he want on this album?"

Londyn's deep sunken eyes widen open when I ask that.

Uh-oh that means it's a lot he's expecting.

"Beast was considering twenty but since you did that storming out shit. He wants an extra ten songs."

I scratch my arm nervously. Thirty damn songs? What in the actual fuck.

"Thirty? I-"

"Now, it's not the time. You have a flight to catch and I'll meet you at the city we're going."

I scrunch up my face. What city? I was not aware of traveling.

To any place for that matter.

"Where are we going?"I ask, as Londyn grabs my arm as I reluctantly follow her.

"I can't tell you that. But you really need it."

"Need what exactly?!"I snap.

Her deep sunken hazel eyes turn a shade of sadness across them. She placed her manicured nails on my left shoulder.

"To get back to your roots."That's all she said until, everything went black.

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