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Syamone's Point Of View.

I wake up sluggishly looking around my surroundings.

My vision was still blurry, but what I could
make out was my old room right before my eyes.

I'm home.....

"Londyn!"I yell, forcing myself up. As I go towards the door, making a right towards the hallway.

"Londyn! What the fuck happen-" I stop myself once I realize that Londyn wasn't here.

It was my mother and of course Reign.

"Watch your mouth in my house Syamone."She warns, as she continues knitting some socks.

Reign grey deep sunken eyes flashes towards me creating a heat wave on my skin.

I haven't seen him since we were fourteen.

He flashes a white pearly smile as he comes closer to me pulling me into a hug.

He's now towering over me. I remember when he was just a short little midget.

"Hey MoMo."he whispers in the shell of my small ear.

A natural smile formed.

"Hi Rei."He pulls off of me and looks at my outfit and then back up at me.

"Somethings different about you?"

"No shit I've been kidnapped, and brought back here."

He's the only person I know that can pull off a successful kidnapping

"Well, I knew you weren't gonna come on your free will. So I was asked to bring you here."He says shrugging his shoulders.

I raise my eyebrow and look at my mother.

"Mom. What I told you about that?"I questioned.

"I told you need to come home, but now that your here you can focus on yourself."

I scratch my scalp, and look over to Reign who was typing away on his phone.

"I'm hungry. Let's go."I say referring to Reign.

I walk out the house, towards a black Lamborghini parked right in my mother driveway.

He unlocks the doors.

I get inside of the car, firmly putting my seatbelt on. I take ahold of his appearance and how good looking he's gotten.

The way his tattoos trace up his arms, hugging around his body.

The tattoos around his neck. The one by his ear is more of a turn on for me.

But that's beside the point.

I notice this one name.. Maleah.

"Who's Maleah?"I ask, as he looks up from his phone cranking up the car.

He looks directly at the tattoo and back up at me.

"My daughter."He says smiling. Daughter? When was this..

"Oh...."I say, looking out the window, admiring this neighborhood.

Is still the same old ghetto neighborhood, I grew up in.

"You good? What you want to eat?"He questions.

"It doesn't matter, just nothing with-"

"No ketchup and onions."We both say at the same time.

I smile.

"Yeah you never changed momo."Reign says leaning back in his seat getting comfortable.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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