Talk Through Typing

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Quick A/N: I'm so, so sorry for putting this book on hold for so long! I'd recommend re-reading the first two chapters just so you remember what happened so far lol


It hurts

Leo stared at the notepad and frowned. "Your throat hurts?" He asked Mikey, who nodded with pained tears in his eyes.

It's been a couple days since Mikey was sprayed by a mysterious chemical, causing him to lose his voice. And the last few days have been hard.

Mikey's throat felt like it was on fire. It was burning. He felt like he'd eaten a hundred jalapeno peppers. It hurt.

Leo frowned and hugged his little brother tightly. He hated seeing him in pain. He'd already been through so much, and now he may never talk again.

Donnie brought over some warm tea. He knew it would soothe Mikey's throat a bit, but wouldn't completely take the pain away.

After all, it wasn't just a normal sore throat. "Here otouto, drink this." Donnie gave his youngest brother a steaming mug.

Thanks D

Mikey drank the tea. It helped a little, but the pain was still there. He just wanted it to stop. After drinking the tea, he put the mug down.

Raph sat by Mikey, rubbing his head comforting. "How ya doing, little brother?" He asked gently.

Okay. It hurts a little still and I miss talking. It's hard not being able to speak.

Raph hugged Mikey tightly. "I know...but somehow, someway we'll get your voice back, otouto."

Leo and Donnie nodded. "We may take time, but someday you will talk again, Mikey." Donnie assured.

Thank you bros, I love you

The brothers smiled sadly. "We love you too, little brother." At that moment, Master Splinter walked in.

He was wearing an oversized hoodie, with the hood part covering almost his entire face. He had a bag in his hand.

"I am back, my sons." The wise father said as he took off his disguise. He had gone to a store to try and find something to help his youngest son.

Normally, he wouldn't risk going out into the open in broad daylight, especially to a store for obvious reasons, but his son needed this. It was important. So, the wise father had disguised himself.

It had worked...mostly. Mikey glanced at the bag in his father's hand as his baby blue eyes lit up with curiosity.

What's that, sensei?

Splinter smiled as he glanced at the notepad. "I am glad you asked, Michelangelo." He opened the bag.

In the bag, was some more honey tea and a little box. Mikey glanced up at his father. "Go ahead, open it." Splinter urged, a smile on his face.

Mikey opened the box and pulled out a tablet. His eyes lit up. "You can use this to talk, instead of writing."

Mikey tilted his head in confusion. "You can type out what you want to say." Splinter explained. "Instead of having to use pencil and paper."

Mikey grinned brightly as he typed out a message. Thank you, sensei! I love it! You're the best!

Splinter smiled as he hugged her youngest son. "You are very welcome, my son." He stroked Mikey's head tenderly.

"I can connect the tablet to our t-phones, that way you can talk t us even if we're in different rooms!" Donnie added excitedly.

The others agree as Mikey flashed a smile. Good idea, bro! Mikey loved his tablet already. It was useful.

Donnie fixed Mikey another cup of hot tea, hoping it would soothe the burning in his little brother's throat, at least a little bit.

Mikey drank the tea, surrounded by his family. Raph and Leo sat on either side of him, making him smile. Donnie and Splinter worked on making Mikey more comfortable.

Mikey embraced his family, hugging them all tightly. I love you guy, thank you for being here for me.

They all smiled and hugged the orange-clad turtle, happy to see his eyes so full of happiness.

"You're welcome, Mikey/Michelangelo!" The other turtles and Splinter said happily as they held him.

As long as I have you guys, I'll be okay!

A/N: Hey guys! I am once again so sorry for leaving this book on such a cliffhanger! I truly didn't mean to abandon of this long! I hope you enjoyed the newest chapter!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: Hey guys! I am once again so sorry for leaving this book on such a cliffhanger! I truly didn't mean to abandon of this long! I hope you enjoyed the newest chapter!

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