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Ian's POV

''Come on Ian!'' I heard from a famliar friends voice, ''I'm right behind you. Let me grab my keys!'' The darker haired boy rolled his eyes and turned away.

Okay first off let me explain a little, so you're not completely confused. My name is Ian Hecox, senior in high school, I games? How exactly do I explain my self perfectly? I'm about 5'7, blue eyes, brown hair but whatever. Anyway, I'm just a normal high school student desperatly trying to get all my credits and graduate. Being late this morning isn't exactly helping either may I add.

I quickly grabbed my keys and followed the taller boy out the door. ''Great job making us late.'' He groaned under his breath ''It's not my fault Anthony, why do you care anyway?'' ''I'm trying to graduate with my friends, and you're not helping.'' ''It's not my fault. Can we just not argue and get to school?''

Right so the kid I'm with would be Anthony. He is a lot nicer than he comes across as. He is slightly taller than me, dark brown shaded eyes, and perfect dark hair that almost goes over his eyes. I've known him for quite a while now. He understands my humor, our personalitys are pretty similar and he almost always has time to play some Halo with me. He can be annoying at times but he is my best friend so I tolerate it.

This part is only short because of the introduction. The real chapters shall be longer.

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