Mark's mom

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"hello dong hyuck"

The woman at the said his name as if it were a curse word she held a few papers and some bottles of alcohol in her plastic see-through bag

"I see you have a little gotten fat" she said crossing her arms looking Hyuck up and down in discust as if he just did something illegal

"I see your still a dumb little bitch" Hyuck said stepping forward and getting in her face,the electricity in there glares was intense until Mark pulled his lover away from the door

"What do you want?" mark asked with attitude, she looked over at Mark with her free hand over her chest as if she was affected

"Is that any way to talk to your mother?" She scoffed trying to step into the house but hyuck got in the way

"Your not coming in" he said leaning on the door frame

"Move out of the way you faggot" she said not caring about anyone's feelings

"As soon as you leave our house you old disabled hag" hyuck said

Those three words left Mark's mom silent for a few seconds, it's not her fault that she has ADHD and is disabled and it's not her fault that she is old and looks like a hag fish, it's times fault.

"You are just mad cause I'll never accept you"the woman said

"Why would I need your acceptance?" hyuck asked

"because I am the mother the queen of the Lee company and all I knoe is this, I will never accept you into MY family, you will never be MY son in law, and I will never love you ever in my life because you don't desurve to live or to have my blessings in marriage,I hate you, I always have and I always will hate you for turning my son into your kind" she yelled into hyuck's face, he looked like he was going to cry and punch her at the same time both Mark and hyuck's jaws were on the floor, mark didn't k iw she felt like that at all

"You turned my beautiful straight strapping boy into a gay with your pretty eyes and good looking thighs and fluffy hair that he always use to talk about, you are nothing but a nobody to me and to everyone else, I hope it felt wonderful that day when your father disowned you-" she said before hyuck yelled at her

"Shut the fuck up you bitch, your the one of persons who doesn't like or love me because I am the one that changes your son from straight to gay but did the fucking thought of me and our child, YOUR grand daughter is the loves of his life,his happiness his everything ever cross your mind at all or are you really that dumb and small minded that you don't understand or comprehend that you son is happier with us than he ever was with your judgmental ass!" Hyuck yelled having both Mark and his mother on hush mouth

"No wonder your husband left you,if I was your husband or son I would leave you too, you are a bad person that forces people to do things they don't want to do, your the type of person who would going out of there way just to ruin someone's love life just to get your way, but I'm here to tell you this" hyuck said pushing past Mark and grabbing the bag in her hand and pushing past her and got to her car

"I will never sign these stupid papers" he said taking out the paper and ripping it to shreds mark was shook and so was his mom

"MY husband won't take not one sip of this bullshit you keep giving him" hyuck said taking out one bottle and throwing it at the car side watching it shatter making a dent in the car.

"That's my car!" My mom said about to run at Hyuck until he threw the next bottle at her feet making her jump away and step back

"He is an abusive alcoholic because of you, you ruined his life you dumb clumsy not-caring-about-your-son ass bitch!" Hyuck screamed throwing another bottle at the windshield putting a bad crack in it

"Are you not going to stop him?" Mark's mom said, Mark was still dazed at the fact that he never seen his Hyuckie this mad before

"Everytime he drinks he abuses me and he only drinks because of you, and your bullshit!" Another bottle went into the window breaking it making Mark's mother scream

"GET IN YOUR FUCKING CAR AND LEAVE THIS HOUSE AND NEVER COME BACK UNTIL YOU CAN BE A GOOD MOTHER AND A GOOD GRANDMA!!" Hyuck screamed the mother was shaking in fear as he saw him throwing the rest of the drinks through the broken window,she slowly make her way to her car and did what that angry male told her to do fearing for her life.

when she left donghyuck went back into the house and grabbed the broom and was about to go back outside until


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