at the Grove

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Everything in Mark's head was spinning as he gaged on the thought

Kiss him

Kiss him?


Like lip to lip.....with a criminal

Oh hell naw

"No I will not kiss you, I'm am many things but I'm not a cheater" mark said

"Well you either give me a kiss or.." Taeyong pointed his gun at hyuck "I will shoot him, you have 5 seconds"

Mark looked at hyuck,


he was scared white, not only for him but for Sookie,


what if she grows up without her mother figure because of me and my will to keep my lips to myself


it was time for him to act now and fast


Mark ran over to him grabbed his face and kissed him, and when I say everyone gaged,I mean everyone, Jeno and Jaemin even gaged, he wrapped his arms around Mark's waist, Mark's tears came out rather he wished it or not he felt so dirty and gross kissing another man, he felt like he could kill himself at that very moment, his tears were so real at that tragic moment of disgust, this is how it must feel when I gets drunk, I will never make him feel like this ever again

Mark ended the kiss walking away instantly,not looking at Taeyong holding in the throw up he didn't want coming out

"Well that was pretty good, ok let him go" just as Taeyong said this Taemin came running from the truck shouting

"EVERYBODY DOWN" He said diving behind Chung Ha's car

Just then the truck that the bad guys came in exploded everyone flew back from it, everyone was blinded and deaf for 20 short seconds before reality caught up back up, then the Police got the heming all three of the back guys up

"Those two are innocent leave them be, I maid them do this, I have the remote to the electric shokers on there necks" Taeyong said but no one listened

They all got carted away and to the hospital to check for any injury.

To be more continued

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