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God p.o.v

"Sookie!" They both shouted

"Mommy,Daddy I missed you!" Sookie said as she jumped into Mark's arms getting engulfed in a warm hug, he picked her up and spun around with her in his arms, Johnny came from behind with two big bags of popcorn, Hyuck hugged Johnny

"Thank you so much" hyuck said with tears in his eyes, Johnny just sighed looking Hyuck over seeing his busted lip and bruied cheek, hyuck looked down at the popcorn then back and Johnny seeing were he was looking

"How bad was it?" Johnny asked

"It wasn't really that bad, he only slapped me and fucked me until I passed out" hyuck said taking the popcorn from his friend, Johnny's eyes widened

"Was the sex good?" Johnny asked

"Actually it was really good,I became overwhelmed with pleasure and passed out" hyuck said looking back at Mark who was holding Sookie tightly in the hug looking up at Johnny with tears in his eyes

"Thank you so much, you kept her safe" he said releasing from the hug

"Safe from what?" Johnny asked

"From what could have happened if she stayed, she could have saw what I did, she could have been tramatized for life, I could have-" mark paused and his eyes watered "I-i could have-"

"Your welcome" Johnny said interrupting mark knowing what he was about to say

"How can I ever repay you?" mark asked

"It's ok you don't need to,it's my pleasure to help you both" Johnny said smiling softly,giving both Mark and Hyuck a sweet look and walking out closing the door, Hyuck limped over to the couch holding his lower stomach

"Are you ok?" Mark asked looking at Hyuck

"Yes mark,I'm ok" hyuck said smiling sweetly, after all the hugging Mark picked up Sookie and put her on hyuck's lap sitting down next to them wrapping them both in a cuddling embrace watching Spong Bob.

~Time slip~

So, I heard that the Lee company was a very rich company

Yes it is and guess what


There son Mark Lee is gay and married to a guy, they have an adopted daughter

Really, anything else

Mrs Lee was on a run from the cops until she caught her freedom this morning

This is almost like the movie crazy rich Asians dude

You saw that movie too, it was so good dude I almost cried at the end tho

Ok enough about crazy rich Asians let talk about what's at hand here

Yeah the Lee's

I have a plan, how about we take something of Mark's, and tell him to give us money for it

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