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"So is this the part where we hold hands as we're strolling on the beach and I realize that the beauty has been in me all along?"  Jin asked as he walked side by side with Jungkook along the shore, both men barefooted, their shoes in their hands.

"What are talking about?" A confused Jungkook asked Jin as he subconsciously closed the distance between their bodies so that their shoulders were touching.

"Oh, I got my cliché plots mixed up, my bad." Jin explained but Jungkook was still confused.

"It was a joke, don't worry about it" Jin clarified after he glanced at Jungkook moments later and saw that the younger was still pondering what he had said earlier.

"So you like clichés?" Jungkook asked a few minutes later and Jin sighed, "you're still on that?"

"I'm just curious" Jungkook said.

"No, this just seems like the kind of outing perfect for a plethora of cliché situations"

"What kind of clichés do you think suits this "date"?" He made sure to make air quotes when he said "date." He didn't like that Jin called it an outing because it felt more than that but he didn't want to call it an actual date.

"Hmm.." Jin thought about it for a moment as his pointer finger tapped his chin repeatedly. "You giving me your jacket since it's a little windy" Jin said and in no time, Jungkook had taken off his jacket and placed it on Jin's shoulders.

"I didn't mean you should, I was just listing a cliché" Jin said as he rolled his eyes, although he was pleased and filled with a warm feeling was exploding in his chest.

"I know" Jungkook shrugged, "what else?"

"You try to catch me"

"Okay, run." Jungkook said and Jin shook his head, an amused smile on his lips.

"I'm not going to run because you told me to. It'll be weird."

"You better run. If I catch you, you'll be sorry" Jungkook said with a wide smile on his face as he set down his shoes on the sand.

"That sounds like a threat" Jin said and Jungkook giggled before he immediately started sprinting towards Jin who had been walking backwards in front of him for a little while now.

Jin shrieked as he threw his shoes wherever before turning around and running for his life after seeing the way Jungkook was sprinting towards him.

He didn't make it far before he was caught. Jungkook tackled him to the sand before straddling him and putting some sand under the older's shirt as Jin squirmed underneath him.

"I told you you'd be sorry" Jungkook said, smiling, as he got off Jin and laid next to him on the sand.

"I hate you" Jin scowled but it's was obvious that he was joking.

Jungkook let out a little chuckle. He was having way more fun that he thought he would.

"You wanna know what else is a major cliché that we should totally try?" Jin asked, turning his head to face Jungkook who was laying next to him.

Jungkook turned his head towards Jin as he arched his brows, signaling for Jin to tell him. Jin scooted closer so he could have his face closer to Jungkook's as he whispered, "sex on the beach."

Jungkook choked on air. At this point, he knew he shouldn't be surprised by the things Jin says but he just couldn't help it.

"What? That can't be a cliché" Jungkook asked red-faced.

Jin slowly ran his hand up Jungkook's torso, caressing the younger's toned body over his shirt as he spoke again, "it is, and I don't mind. A body like this and a face like that, best believe that my only goal currently, is to get myself under you screaming your name as you fuck my brains out."

Jungkook instantly sat up, his face getting hotter and he lower region getting harder, "what else?"

"Oh, someone's interested" Jin said, sitting up as well before placing his hand on Jungkook's arm that was propping the younger up, stroking the younger's defined muscles.

"I meant clichés" Jungkook clarified, trying to sound stable although his jeans were tightening the longer Jin was touching him and he was finding it harder and harder to think straight.

"You're so boring" Jin sighed before taking his hand off Jungkook. He reached over and grabbed Jungkook's jacket that the younger had put on him earlier which had fallen off him when he was being chased, and draped it over his shoulders.

"We could play in the water or watch the sunset" Jin suggested as he enjoyed the warmth Jungkook's jacket provided and Jungkook thought about it for a while before settling on one. "Let's watch the sunset" he suggested and Jin gave a nod of approval.

"The ultimate cliché, I love it" Jin said before scooting his body closer to Jungkook. "You're supposed to hold me" he explained and Jungkook looked at him for clarification.

"You can't just watch the sunset, you're supposed to hold me while watching it" Jin explained and Jungkook's lips formed an "oh" before he placed an arm around Jin and pulled the older closer to his body. Jin rested his head on Jungkook's shoulder and breathed a sigh of content as the two men watched the sunset together.

Jungkook took Jin to get some ice cream after they left the beach then to the older's home afterwards. If there was anything the younger was sure of at the end of all of this was that he was undeniably fond of Jin and genuinely developing feelings for the older.

"Today was really fun, thank you." Jungkook said when he reached the front of Jin's apartment building.

"We aren't done" Jin said causing Jungkook to scrunch his eyebrows in confusion.

"We aren't?" Jungkook asked

"Well, aren't you going to pay me?" Jin asked and Jungkook nodded, "I'll wire the money into your account before the end of the night."

Jin chucked, "I told you last night, didn't I? You are going to pay me but not with cash" Jin placed his finger under Jungkook's chin and pulled the younger's face closer to his,

"I want your body."

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