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22nd of August 2016
Senior Year

I grabbed my tray with my lunch consisting of an apple juice and a sandwich before sitting down on one of the empty tables in the cafeteria.

It was the first day of school and we were immediately met by one of the pressures of being in the last year of high school: career plus guidance.

We were forced to listen for half and almost a day about the career talk. It was supposed to be helpful but somehow it was just putting more pressure to us than ever before.

I stopped thinking and took a looked at the cafeteria for a moment before centering my attention to the group of guys sitting on the corner table right from where I was sitting.

"It's JC again, huh?" Zoe, one of my closest friends suddenly said plopping down in front of me.

"Hey, you startled me!" I said as my eyes widened at her sudden intro.

She just ignored me. "How long have you been sitting here watching him, Wendy Garett?" She asked, rubbing her chin while looking at me like I was some creep.

"I know the borderline of creepy so you can stop now looking at me like that." I stated as I closed my book.

"Okay, miss Radiohead. Why are you watching him though?"

"I'm not watching him." An obvious lie. I was watching him sitting at his table, laughing at something with his friends, all of which were grinning from ear to ear.

I was reading a book. Well, more like using it as an excuse to watch JC.

You see, I have a crush on him for three years now. And I don't know when, but it started when I was noticing him passing by, or doing things; and they were just simple things let me tell you.

"Right," Zoe replied obviously not believing me.

His name is Jace Chad Lawrence or also known as JC Lawrence.

He was tall with this messy brown hair and dark green eyes. He also played guitar. And yes, he was good. On top of that, he had an amazing voice.

That's right, you can't blame me for stealing glances at his table every lunch.

He's just another good-looking, way out of my league guy who just happened to steal literally this thing that's made up of muscle tissue that pumps blood throughout the body or aka my heart.

"You should just man up and tell him about your feelings, you know."

I quickly shook my head as I stare at my petite, dark haired friend through my lashes. "Seriously, Zoe? We both know what will be the outcome of that."

"Well, he'll have to find out sometime. You can't keep your feelings hidden forever."

"He doesn't even know that I exist, Zoe."

And it's true. As far as I know, he's never noticed me before. Basically, a small crush developed and before I knew it, I was in love.

What was the reason why I fell for him? I don't know, and I couldn't explain. I just knew that my feelings were getting stronger and stronger for him everyday.

"But you have to do something!" Zoe sighed.

"No, never. He'll reject me."

I just realized one day that I love him and I don't even know why.

I closed my book and sighed.

"But you could try, can't you?"

"No, Zoe."

"But Wendy... It's killing you."

She's right, why did I ever fall for this guy?

It's not like I chose to be in this position: not being able to move on because it felt like there's some super glue attaching me to him. My mind kept protesting on how stupid I look and act but there's nothing I can do. We can't choose who we fall in love.

"I know. But it's okay, Zoe."

She gave me a confused look, "No, it's not ok--"

"Hey!" Somebody called from behind me.

I turned to looked at our three other friends - Chris, Jeremy and, Liz- approaching our lunch table.

"What's up?" Jack, one of my closest friends since middle school chimed in making Zoe's and I's conversation to stop.

"Nothing." I quickly said.

All my friends know about the JC fiasco, but I don't want them thinking that the JC thing is unhealthy for me. So as much as possible I want to avoid the topic with everyone except for Zoe.

I looked at Zoe and gave her a warning look. She raised her hands in defeat and mouthed 'Okay'.

I think Chris believed it or he was just tired of pressing me with more questions because he shrugged and change the topic. I was thankful that I was not being interrogated more with questions.

All of us talked, ate and laughed at something sometimes while we continued eating our lunch.

Until the bell rang signaling us that the lunch was over. My other friends we're already walking ahead leaving Zoe and I but she waited for me as I hurriedly took my tray and slid my book on my bag.

I tried to glance one last time at JC's direction but Zoe was already dragging me away by my arm.

"Come on Wendy, before you fall head over heels for him." Zoe said as we neared the exit of the cafeteria.

Too late. I thought.

I'm open for suggestions and construct criticisms please feel free to tell me about your thoughts on this chapter! I will be glad to hear it :D

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