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Quick note: This was written on 2016 and if you're reading this years later some things like the facebook app is different. Hehe lol this is bringing me so much nostalgia from 2k16 when facebook was everything. Haha now I'll stop.

Thursday Night

I looked at my laptop's screen biting my fingers nervously.

Should I do it?

I knew I was not going to lose anything but some thoughts were holding me from doing it.

I moved the mouse and clicked the scroll down button seeing his recent photos and posts. Some were with his friends and others were just his pictures.

It's been three years and after what happened on monday I've thought that for once I needed to man up.

Or woman up. I thought to my self.

I still believed that guys should make the first move (even though it sounded very old-fashioned) which I knew he wouldn't do even if we we're in a parallel universe.

And I also knew that we're in the twenty-first century already but I didn't want to look so desperate because after all he's just a guy.

Just a guy I'm so in love with.

I sighed.

It was hard and I, over thinking is even harder.

I sighed yet again and stared at the 'Add friend' bar for the longest time.

What if he wouldn't accept my friend request? I'd looked so dumb but then again he doesn't even know me. He would just think that I wanna be his facebook friend.

This was more difficult than my history test last week.

After debating with myself I finally faced this ultimatum.

I bit my lip and counted silently, dragged my hands slowly on the mouse before clicking the 'Add friend' button swiftly.

I immediately logged out my account and closed my laptop.

"You did it." I said reassuring myself.

I just hoped he'd accept that darn request.

I was really acting like a pathetic girl― a disgrace to every female out there.

Though, I couldn't blame myself or any other person who's in the same place as me. It was really hard to muster a lot of courage and add him then not over think of the things that might happen next.

After wasting five minutes thinking about the same usual days - going to school, hanging out with friends, classes with JC that I thought would be exciting but he won't give a single look at my direction - I shook my head at the last thought who am I thinking of course he wouldn't look at me.

So instead of mopping around and getting myself even more depressed, I decided to call Zoe.

Her phone rang and when she picked up I heard a scream of someone yelling 'help' on the other line. It was her voice.

I panicked thinking of the worst possible scenarios of the things that might be happening to her.

"Help me!" Zoe yelled again causing me to focus on my friend rather than thinking of some gruesome thoughts.

I was panicking so much that I stood up from my bed and started to pace back and forth bouncing on my feet in the process.

"Zoe, are you okay? What's wrong? What's happening there? Zoe? Zoe? Why are you not answer―" A loud laugh from the other line stopped me from finishing off my sentence.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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