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"Switch rooms? With me? You're kidding right?"

"No I'm not."

"You're leaving your own room, to have a roommate?"

"Hoseok! Will you switch rooms with me!"

"I dont know Yoongi, you're going to be sharing a room with Jimin. He can be really sensitive sometimes.."

"I think I know this. Look I've thought of everything that could go wrong, I'll make sure I dont do anything to make him upset"

"I guess. Let's switch rooms" I give him a pat on the back and go to my room to move my stuff.

"Yoongi! You done?"

"Almost" I put in the last belonging of mine and open the door.

"I told Jimin that were switching rooms because you really wanted a roommate and I really wanted my own room"

"Did he take it the wrong way?"

"No he understood." I nod and walked out. "Remember Yoongi, be very careful of what you say"

"I know I know." I walk over to my new room I set my box down and open the door.

"Yoongi Hyung!" Jimin rushes over to me and grabs my box. "I'll help you unpack!"

"T-theres no need for that"

"Hm? You dont want help?"

"Dont take it the wrong way or anything, but I just really wanted to do this by myself...uh proving i can do something!"

Jimin looks at me before setting the box down "ok Hyung. Just tell me if you need any help" he walks back over to his bed and looks through his phone.

I put the box on my bed and start to sort everything it their new places.


The next morning the light shines in brightly on my face.

I sit up and close the blinds hoping to get a little bit more sleep. I climb back in bed and close my eyes.

"Yoongi Hyung!" I try to ignore the voice. "Yoongi~" I feel my bed go down to the left. I turn my body and see Jimin laying next to me with a big smile plastered over his face.

"Y-yah! Jimin what are you doing!"

"I was trying to wake you up. Jin Hyung said it's time for breakfast. Hes making pancakes!" Jimin gets up and uncovers me. "Up"

"No. Let me sleep"

"No. You have to get up"

"I don't want to!"

"Yoongi!" Jimin whines.

"Stop. Just let me sleep" I feel Jimin turning me to face him. Before I can say anything Jimin connects his lips to mine.

I sit up pulling him down into my lap.

We pull away looking at eachother.

"I-im sorry..I'll just leave" Jimin hurriedly runs out.

"W-what?" Taking my chance to search the room I quickly walk over to Jimins side and search every single spot.

There was no stuffies or onesies.

Where had they all gone?

I walk downstairs face still red from the kiss.

"I see Jimin woke you up. Good, you sleep in too late anyways."

His Little [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now